A parabolic quasilinear problem for linear growth functionals.
We prove existence and uniqueness of solutions for the Dirichlet problem for quasilinear parabolic equations in divergent form for which the energy functional has linear growth.
We prove existence and uniqueness of solutions for the Dirichlet problem for quasilinear parabolic equations in divergent form for which the energy functional has linear growth.
We examine the regularity of solutions of a certain parabolic system in the weighted Sobolev space , where the weight is of the form , r is the distance from a distinguished axis and μ ∈ (0,1).
We propose a modification of the classical Boussinesq approximation for buoyancy-driven flows of viscous, incompressible fluids in situations where viscous heating cannot be neglected. This modification is motivated by unresolved issues regarding the global solvability of the original system. A very simple model problem leads to a coupled system of two parabolic equations with a source term involving the square of the gradient of one of the unknowns. Based on adequate notions of weak and strong...
We discuss the formulation of a simulator in three spatial dimensions for a multicomponent, two phase (air, water) system of groundwater flow and transport with biodegradation kinetics and wells with multiple screens. The simulator has been developed for parallel, distributed memory, message passing machines. The numerical procedures employed are a fully implicit expanded mixed finite element method for flow and either a characteristics-mixed method or a Godunov method for transport and reactions...
We give a derivation of an a-posteriori strategy for choosing the regularization parameter in Tikhonov regularization for solving nonlinear ill-posed problems, which leads to optimal convergence rates. This strategy requires a special stability estimate for the regularized solutions. A new proof fot this stability estimate is given.
This paper presents a postprocessing technique for estimating the local regularity of numerical solutions in high-resolution finite element schemes. A derivative of degree p ≥ 0 is considered to be smooth if a discontinuous linear reconstruction does not create new maxima or minima. The intended use of this criterion is the identification of smooth cells in the context of p-adaptation or selective flux limiting. As a model problem, we consider a 2D convection equation discretized with bilinear finite...
We formulate and study numerically a new, parameter-free stabilized finite element method for advection-diffusion problems. Using properties of compatible finite element spaces we establish connection between nodal diffusive fluxes and one-dimensional diffusion equations on the edges of the mesh. To define the stabilized method we extend this relationship to the advection-diffusion case by solving simplified one-dimensional versions of the governing equations on the edges. Then we use H(curl)-conforming...
In this article we give a construction of the wave group for variable coefficient, time dependent wave equations, under the hypothesis that the coefficients of the principal term possess two bounded derivatives in the spatial variables, and one bounded derivative in the time variable. We use this construction to establish the Strichartz and Pecher estimates for solutions to the Cauchy problem for such equations, in space dimensions and .
It is shown that the partial differential operator is surjective if 1 ≤ d < 2 or d ≥ 6 and not surjective for 2 ≤ d < 6.
We prove, for arbitrary dimension of the base n greater than or equal to 4, stationary Yang-Mills Fields satisfying Borne approximability property are regular apart from a closed subset of the base having zero (n-4)- Hausdorff measure.