Boundary estimates for solutions of Monge-Ampère equations in the plane
In this paper we discuss the approximate reconstruction of inhomogeneities of small volume. The data used for the reconstruction consist of boundary integrals of the (observed) electromagnetic fields. The numerical algorithms discussed are based on highly accurate asymptotic formulae for the electromagnetic fields in the presence of small volume inhomogeneities.
In this paper we discuss the approximate reconstruction of inhomogeneities of small volume. The data used for the reconstruction consist of boundary integrals of the (observed) electromagnetic fields. The numerical algorithms discussed are based on highly accurate asymptotic formulae for the electromagnetic fields in the presence of small volume inhomogeneities.
In this note I will describe some recent results, obtained jointly with R. Fefferman and J. Pipher [RF-K-P], on the Dirichlet problem for second-order, divergence form elliptic equations, and some work in progress with J. Pipher [K-P] on the corresponding results for the Neumann and regularity problems.
We study the behaviour of weak solutions (as well as their gradients) of boundary value problems for quasi-linear elliptic divergence equations in domains extending to infinity along a cone.