The Calderón Projector for an Elliptic Operator in Divergence Form.
A Banach-space version of the Calderón-Zygmund theorem is presented and applied to obtaining apriori estimates for solutions of second-order parabolic equations in -spaces.
We consider non-linear elliptic equations having a measure in the right-hand side, of the type and prove differentiability and integrability results for solutions. New estimates in Marcinkiewicz spaces are also given, and the impact of the measure datum density properties on the regularity of solutions is analyzed in order to build a suitable Calderón-Zygmund theory for the problem. All the regularity results presented in this paper are provided together with explicit local a priori estimates.
The change in the electric potential due to lightning is evaluated. The potential along the lightning channel is a constant which is the projection of the pre-flash potential along a piecewise harmonic eigenfunction which is constant along the lightning channel. The change in the potential outside the lightning channel is a harmonic function whose boundary conditions are expressed in terms of the pre-flash potential and the post-flash potential along the lightning channel. The expression for the...
Si studiano le condizioni per 1’esistenza, l’unicità e la stabilità della soluzione debole del problema lineare di Molodenskii in approssimazione quasi-sferica, generalizzando una tecnica perturbativa usata in precedenza per la soluzione di tipo classico. La procedura seguita richiede delle condizioni di maggior regolarità per il contorno, di quelle usate nell’analisi del problema «semplice». Il risultato ottenuto è l'esistenza e unicità di una soluzione con derivate seconde a quadrato integrabile,...
A proof is given of the following theorem: infinitely differentiable solenoidal vector - functions are dense in the space of functions, which are solenoidal in the distribution sense only. The theorem is utilized in proving the convergence of a dual finite element procedure for Dirichlet, Neumann and a mixed boundary value problem of a second order elliptic equation.