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General Franklin systems as bases in H¹[0,1]

Gegham G. Gevorkyan, Anna Kamont (2005)

Studia Mathematica

By a general Franklin system corresponding to a dense sequence of knots 𝓣 = (tₙ, n ≥ 0) in [0,1] we mean a sequence of orthonormal piecewise linear functions with knots 𝓣, that is, the nth function of the system has knots t₀, ..., tₙ. The main result of this paper is a characterization of sequences 𝓣 for which the corresponding general Franklin system is a basis or an unconditional basis in H¹[0,1].

Generalized absolute convergence of single and double Vilenkin-Fourier series and related results

Nayna Govindbhai Kalsariya, Bhikha Lila Ghodadra (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider the Vilenkin orthonormal system on a Vilenkin group G and the Vilenkin-Fourier coefficients f ^ ( n ) , n , of functions f L p ( G ) for some 1 < p 2 . We obtain certain sufficient conditions for the finiteness of the series n = 1 a n | f ^ ( n ) | r , where { a n } is a given sequence of positive real numbers satisfying a mild assumption and 0 < r < 2 . We also find analogous conditions for the double Vilenkin-Fourier series. These sufficient conditions are in terms of (either global or local) moduli of continuity of f and give multiplicative analogue...

Generalized atomic subspaces for operators in Hilbert spaces

Prasenjit Ghosh, Tapas Kumar Samanta (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

We introduce the notion of a g -atomic subspace for a bounded linear operator and construct several useful resolutions of the identity operator on a Hilbert space using the theory of g -fusion frames. Also, we shall describe the concept of frame operator for a pair of g -fusion Bessel sequences and some of their properties.

Generalized Calderón conditions and regular orbit spaces

Hartmut Führ (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The construction of generalized continuous wavelet transforms on locally compact abelian groups A from quasi-regular representations of a semidirect product group G = A ⋊ H acting on L²(A) requires the existence of a square-integrable function whose Plancherel transform satisfies a Calderón-type resolution of the identity. The question then arises under what conditions such square-integrable functions exist. The existing literature on this subject leaves a gap between sufficient and necessary criteria....

Generalized Riesz products produced from orthonormal transforms

Nikolaos Atreas, Antonis Bisbas (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let p = m k k = 0 p - 1 be a finite set of step functions or real valued trigonometric polynomials on = [0,1) satisfying a certain orthonormality condition. We study multiscale generalized Riesz product measures μ defined as weak-* limits of elements μ N V N ( N ) , where V N are p N -dimensional subspaces of L₂() spanned by an orthonormal set which is produced from dilations and multiplications of elements of p and N V N ¯ = L ( ) . The results involve mutual absolute continuity or singularity of such Riesz products extending previous results on...

Generalized Schauder frames

S.K. Kaushik, Shalu Sharma (2014)

Archivum Mathematicum

Schauder frames were introduced by Han and Larson [9] and further studied by Casazza, Dilworth, Odell, Schlumprecht and Zsak [2]. In this paper, we have introduced approximative Schauder frames as a generalization of Schauder frames and a characterization for approximative Schauder frames in Banach spaces in terms of sequence of non-zero endomorphism of finite rank has been given. Further, weak* and weak approximative Schauder frames in Banach spaces have been defined. Finally, it has been proved...

Geometric Fourier analysis

Antonio Cordoba (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper we continue the study of the Fourier transform on R n , n 2 , analyzing the “almost-orthogonality” of the different directions of the space with respect to the Fourier transform. We prove two theorems: the first is related to an angular Littlewood-Paley square function, and we obtain estimates in terms of powers of log ( N ) , where N is the number of equal angles considered in R 2 . The second is an extension of the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function when one consider cylinders of R n , n 2 , of fixed eccentricity...

Global orthogonality implies local almost-orthogonality.

J. Michael Wilson (2000)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

We introduce a new stopping-time argument, adapted to handle linear sums of noncompactly-supported functions that satisfy fairly weak decay, smoothness, and cancellation conditions. We use the argument to obtain a new Littlewood-Paley-type result for such sums.

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 1024