Multipliers for the convolution algebra of left and right K-finite compactly supported smooth functions on a semi-simple Lie group.
We study the densities of the semigroup generated by the operator on the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group. We show that the 7th derivatives of the densities have a jump discontinuity. Outside the plane x=0 the densities are . We give explicit spectral decomposition of images of in representations.
Schwartz’s Theorem in spectral synthesis of continuous functions on the real is generalized to the Euclidean motion group. The rightsided analogue of Schwartz’s Theorem for the motion group is reduced to the study of some invariant subspaces of continuous functions on .
Let Hₙ be the (2n+1)-dimensional Heisenberg group, let p,q ≥ 1 be integers satisfying p+q=n, and let , where X₁,Y₁,...,Xₙ,Yₙ,T denotes the standard basis of the Lie algebra of Hₙ. We compute explicitly a relative fundamental solution for L.