Displaying 21 – 40 of 88

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Descriptive properties of elements of biduals of Banach spaces

Pavel Ludvík, Jiří Spurný (2012)

Studia Mathematica

If E is a Banach space, any element x** in its bidual E** is an affine function on the dual unit ball B E * that might possess a variety of descriptive properties with respect to the weak* topology. We prove several results showing that descriptive properties of x** are quite often determined by the behaviour of x** on the set of extreme points of B E * , generalizing thus results of J. Saint Raymond and F. Jellett. We also prove a result on the relation between Baire classes and intrinsic Baire classes...

Deviation from weak Banach–Saks property for countable direct sums

Andrzej Kryczka (2015)

Annales UMCS, Mathematica

We introduce a seminorm for bounded linear operators between Banach spaces that shows the deviation from the weak Banach-Saks property. We prove that if (Xν) is a sequence of Banach spaces and a Banach sequence lattice E has the Banach-Saks property, then the deviation from the weak Banach-Saks property of an operator of a certain class between direct sums E(Xν) is equal to the supremum of such deviations attained on the coordinates Xν. This is a quantitative version for operators of the result...

Diameter-preserving maps on various classes of function spaces

Bruce A. Barnes, Ashoke K. Roy (2002)

Studia Mathematica

Under some mild assumptions, non-linear diameter-preserving bijections between (vector-valued) function spaces are characterized with the help of a well-known theorem of Ulam and Mazur. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a diameter-preserving bijection between function spaces in the complex scalar case is derived, and a complete description of such maps is given in several important cases.

Diametral dimension of some pseudoconvex multiscale spaces

Jean-Marie Aubry, Françoise Bastin (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Stemming from the study of signals via wavelet coefficients, the spaces S ν are complete metrizable and separable topological vector spaces, parametrized by a function ν, whose elements are sequences indexed by a binary tree. Several papers were devoted to their basic topology; recently it was also shown that depending on ν, S ν may be locally convex, locally p-convex for some p > 0, or not at all, but under a minor condition these spaces are always pseudoconvex. We deal with some more sophisticated...

Dichotomies pour les espaces de suites réelles

Pierre Casevitz (2000)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

There is a general conjecture, the dichotomy (C) about Borel equivalence relations E: (i) E is Borel reducible to the equivalence relation E G X where X is a Polish space, and a Polish group acting continuously on X; or (ii) a canonical relation E 1 is Borel reducible to E. (C) is only proved for special cases as in [So].  In this paper we make a contribution to the study of (C): a stronger conjecture is true for hereditary subspaces of the Polish space ω of real sequences, i.e., subspaces such that [ y = ( y n ) n X ...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 88