Displaying 101 – 120 of 308

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A note on embedding into product spaces

M. A. Sofi (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Using factorization properties of an operator ideal over a Banach space, it is shown how to embed a locally convex space from the corresponding Grothendieck space ideal into a suitable power of E , thus achieving a unified treatment of several embedding theorems involving certain classes of locally convex spaces.

A note on Fréchet-Urysohn locally convex spaces.

Jerzy Kąkol, Manuel López Pellicer (2007)


Recently Cascales, Kąkol and Saxon showed that in a large class of locally convex spaces (so called class G) every Fréchet-Urysohn space is metrizable. Since there exist (under Martin’s axiom) nonmetrizable separable Fréchet-Urysohn spaces Cp(X) and only metrizable spaces Cp(X) belong to class G, we study another sufficient conditions for Fréchet-Urysohn locally convex spaces to be metrizable.

A note on ( g D F ) -spaces.

del-Vecchio, Renata R., Pombo, Dinamérico P. jun., Vinagre, Cybele T. M. (2000)

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences

A note on intersections of simplices

David A. Edwards, Ondřej F. K. Kalenda, Jiří Spurný (2011)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We provide a corrected proof of [1, Théorème 9] stating that any metrizable infinite-dimensional simplex is affinely homeomorphic to the intersection of a decreasing sequence of Bauer simplices.

A note on L-Dunford-Pettis sets in a topological dual Banach space

Abderrahman Retbi (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The present paper is devoted to some applications of the notion of L-Dunford-Pettis sets to several classes of operators on Banach lattices. More precisely, we establish some characterizations of weak Dunford-Pettis, Dunford-Pettis completely continuous, and weak almost Dunford-Pettis operators. Next, we study the relationships between L-Dunford-Pettis, and Dunford-Pettis (relatively compact) sets in topological dual Banach spaces.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 308