Displaying 241 – 260 of 375

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Packing in Orlicz sequence spaces

M. Rao, Z. Ren (1997)

Studia Mathematica

We show how one can, in a unified way, calculate the Kottman and the packing constants of the Orlicz sequence space defined by an N-function, equipped with either the gauge or Orlicz norms. The values of these constants for a class of reflexive Orlicz sequence spaces are found, using a quantitative index of N-functions and some interpolation theorems. The exposition is essentially selfcontained.

Products of Lipschitz-free spaces and applications

Pedro Levit Kaufmann (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We show that, given a Banach space X, the Lipschitz-free space over X, denoted by ℱ(X), is isomorphic to ( n = 1 ( X ) ) . Some applications are presented, including a nonlinear version of Pełczyński’s decomposition method for Lipschitz-free spaces and the identification up to isomorphism between ℱ(ℝⁿ) and the Lipschitz-free space over any compact metric space which is locally bi-Lipschitz embeddable into ℝⁿ and which contains a subset that is Lipschitz equivalent to the unit ball of ℝⁿ. We also show that ℱ(M)...

Pseudocomplémentation dans les espaces de Banach

Patric Rauch (1991)

Studia Mathematica

This paper introduces the following definition: a closed subspace Z of a Banach space E is pseudocomplemented in E if for every linear continuous operator u from Z to Z there is a linear continuous extension ū of u from E to E. For instance, every subspace complemented in E is pseudocomplemented in E. First, the pseudocomplemented hilbertian subspaces of L ¹ are characterized and, in L p with p in [1, + ∞[, classes of closed subspaces in which the notions of complementation and pseudocomplementation...

Quotients of Banach Spaces with the Daugavet Property

Vladimir Kadets, Varvara Shepelska, Dirk Werner (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We consider a general concept of Daugavet property with respect to a norming subspace. This concept covers both the usual Daugavet property and its weak* analogue. We introduce and study analogues of narrow operators and rich subspaces in this general setting and apply the results to show that a quotient of L₁[0,1] by an ℓ₁-subspace need not have the Daugavet property. The latter answers in the negative a question posed to us by A. Pełczyński.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 375