Radial limits in co-invariant subspaces
A criterion for reducibility of certain representations of abelian groups is established. Among the applications of this criterion, we give a positive answer to the translation invariant subspace problem for weighted spaces on locally compact abelian groups, for even weights and .
Let S(X) denote the set of all closed subsets of a topological space X, and C(X) the set of all continuous mappings f:X → X. A family 𝓐 ⊆ S(X) is called reflexive if there exists ℱ ⊆ C(X) such that 𝓐 = {A ∈ S(X): f(A) ⊆ A for every f ∈ ℱ}. We investigate conditions ensuring that a family of closed subsets is reflexive.
We study reflexivity of bilattices. Some examples of reflexive and non-reflexive bilattices are given. With a given subspace lattice we may associate a bilattice . Similarly, having a bilattice we may construct a subspace lattice . Connections between reflexivity of subspace lattices and associated bilattices are investigated. It is also shown that the direct sum of any two bilattices is never reflexive.
We prove that any set of commuting isometries on a separable Hilbert space is reflexive.
In this paper, we will use results developed by Ansari and Enflo in the theory of bounded linear operators with dense range. We define two maps, with regards to some parameters, that control surjectivity default of a given operator, and prove analycity for the first one and global continuity for the other one. Minimisation results are also obtained in relation to this study.
Let E,F be Banach spaces where F = E’ or vice versa. If F has the approximation property, then the space of nuclearly entire functions of bounded type, , and the space of exponential type functions, Exp(F), form a dual pair. The set of convolution operators on (i.e. the continuous operators that commute with all translations) is formed by the transposes , φ ∈ Exp(F), of the multiplication operators φ :ψ ↦ φ ψ on Exp(F). A continuous operator T on is PDE-preserving for a set ℙ ⊆ Exp(F) if it...
A generalization of the Carleman criterion for selfadjointness of Jacobi matrices to the case of symmetric matrices with finite rows is established. In particular, a new proof of the Carleman criterion is found. An extension of Jørgensen's criterion for selfadjointness of symmetric operators with "almost invariant" subspaces is obtained. Some applications to hyponormal weighted shifts are given.
We study the relation between the sets of cyclic vectors of an unilateral bounded below weighted shift operator T and T|S where S is an invariant subspace of T. It is proved that T can not be unicellular and known results are generalized.
Some invariant subspaces for the operators A and T acting on a Hilbert space H and satisfying T*AT ≤ A and A ≥ 0, are presented. Especially, the largest invariant subspace for A and T on which the equality T* AT = A occurs, is studied in connections to others invariant or reducing subspaces for A, or T. Such subspaces are related to the asymptotic form of the subspace quoted above, this form being obtained using the operator limit of the sequence {T*nATn; n ≥ 1}. More complete results are given...