Displaying 101 – 120 of 275

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On L w 2 -quasi-derivatives for solutions of perturbed general quasi-differential equations

Sobhy El-sayed Ibrahim (1999)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

This paper is concerned with square integrable quasi-derivatives for any solution of a general quasi-differential equation of n th order with complex coefficients M [ y ] - λ w y = w f ( t , y [ 0 ] , ... , y [ n - 1 ] ) , t [ a , b ) provided that all r th quasi-derivatives of solutions of M [ y ] - λ w y = 0 and all solutions of its normal adjoint M + [ z ] - λ ¯ w z = 0 are in L w 2 ( a , b ) and under suitable conditions on the function f .

On the dependence of the orthogonal projector on deformations of the scalar product

Zbigniew Pasternak-Winiarski (1998)

Studia Mathematica

We consider scalar products on a given Hilbert space parametrized by bounded positive and invertible operators defined on this space, and orthogonal projectors onto a fixed closed subspace of the initial Hilbert space corresponding to these scalar products. We show that the projector is an analytic function of the scalar product, we give the explicit formula for its Taylor expansion, and we prove some algebraic formulas for projectors.

On the semi-Browder spectrum

Vladimír Kordula, Vladimír Müller, Vladimir Rakočević (1997)

Studia Mathematica

An operator in a Banach space is called upper (lower) semi-Browder if it is upper (lower) semi-Fredholm and has a finite ascent (descent). We extend this notion to n-tuples of commuting operators and show that this notion defines a joint spectrum. Further we study relations between semi-Browder and (essentially) semiregular operators.

Operational quantities

Antonio Martinón (1997)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we consider maps called operational quantities, which assign a non-negative real number to every operator acting between Banach spaces, and we obtain relations between the kernels of these operational quantities and the classes of operators of the Fredholm theory.

Operator Lipschitz functions on Banach spaces

Jan Rozendaal, Fedor Sukochev, Anna Tomskova (2016)

Studia Mathematica

Let X, Y be Banach spaces and let (X,Y) be the space of bounded linear operators from X to Y. We develop the theory of double operator integrals on (X,Y) and apply this theory to obtain commutator estimates of the form | | f ( B ) S - S f ( A ) | | ( X , Y ) c o n s t | | B S - S A | | ( X , Y ) for a large class of functions f, where A ∈ (X), B ∈ (Y) are scalar type operators and S ∈ (X,Y). In particular, we establish this estimate for f(t): = |t| and for diagonalizable operators on X = p and Y = q for p < q. We also study the estimate above in the setting of Banach ideals...

Operator semigroups in Banach space theory

Pietro Aiena, Manuel González, Antonio Martínez-Abejón (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questo lavoro, motivati dalla teoria di Fredholm in spazi di Banach e dalla cosiddetta teoria degli ideali di operatori nel senso di Pietsch, viene definito un nuovo concetto di semigruppo di operatori. Questa nuova definizione include quella di molte classi di operatori già studiate in letteratura, come la classe degli operatori di semi-Fredholm, quella degli operatori tauberiani ed altre ancora. Inoltre permette un nuovo ed unificante approccio ad una serie di problemi in teoria degli operatori...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 275