O спектре операторов в идеальных пространствах
The goal of this article is to analyze the observability properties for a space semi-discrete approximation scheme derived from a mixed finite element method of the 1d wave equation on nonuniform meshes. More precisely, we prove that observability properties hold uniformly with respect to the mesh-size under some assumptions, which, roughly, measures the lack of uniformity of the meshes, thus extending the work [Castro and Micu, Numer. Math.102 (2006) 413–462] to nonuniform meshes. Our results...
The main goal of this paper is to clarify the antisymmetric nature of a binary relation ≪ which is defined for normal operators A and B by: A ≪ B if there exists an operator T such that for all Borel subset Δ of the complex plane ℂ, where and are spectral measures of A and B, respectively (the operators A and B are allowed to act in different complex Hilbert spaces). It is proved that if A ≪ B and B ≪ A, then A and B are unitarily equivalent, which shows that the relation ≪ is a partial order...
A continuous multiparameter version of Chacon's vector valued ergodic theorem is proved.
A new decomposition of a pair of commuting, but not necessarily doubly commuting contractions is proposed. In the case of power partial isometries a more detailed decomposition is given.
∗ Partially supported by Grant MM-428/94 of MESC.Systems of orthogonal polynomials on the real line play an important role in the theory of special functions [1]. They find applications in numerous problems of mathematical physics and classical analysis. It is known, that classical polynomials have a number of properties, which uniquely define them.
In questa nota mostriamo come un teorema di esistenza per funzionali lineari porti un nuovo teorema di punto fisso che generalizza un teorema di punto fisso di Cellina.