On the reflexivity of pairs of isometries and of tensor products of some operator algebras
On the reflexivity of subspaces of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space on the upper half-plane
The reflexivity and transitivity of subspaces of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space on the upper half-plane are investigated. The dichotomic behavior (transitive or reflexive) of these subspaces is shown. It refers to the similar dichotomic behavior for subspaces of Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space on the unit disc. The isomorphism between the Hardy spaces on the unit disc and the upper half-plane is used. To keep weak* homeomorphism between spaces on the unit circle and the real line...
On the S4-norm of a Hankel form.
On the singular values and eigenvalues of the Fox-Li and related operators.
On the Spectra of Finite-Dimensional Pertobations of Matrix Multiplication Operators.
On the structure of the wave operators in one dimensional potential scattering.
On the Toëplitz corona problem.
The aim of this note is to characterize the vectors g = (g1, . . . ,gk) of bounded holomorphic functions in the unit ball or in the unit polydisk of Cn such that the Corona is true for them in terms of the H2 Corona for measures on the boundary.
On the weighted estimate of the Bergman projection
We present a proof of the weighted estimate of the Bergman projection that does not use extrapolation results. This estimate is extended to product domains using an adapted definition of Békollé-Bonami weights in this setting. An application to bounded Toeplitz products is also given.
On Toeplitz operators associated with strongly pseudoconvex domains
On truncations of Hankel and Toeplitz operators.
We study the boundedness properties of truncation operators acting on bounded Hankel (or Toeplitz) infinite matrices. A relation with the Lacey-Thiele theorem on the bilinear Hilbert transform is established. We also study the behaviour of the truncation operators when restricted to Hankel matrices in the Schatten classes.
Opérateurs de Toeplitz de plusieurs variables complexes
Operators of Hankel type
Hankel operators and their symbols, as generalized by V. Pták and P. Vrbová, are considered. The present note provides a parametric labeling of all the Hankel symbols of a given Hankel operator by means of Schur class functions. The result includes uniqueness criteria and a Schur like formula. As a by-product, a new proof of the existence of Hankel symbols is obtained. The proof is established by associating to the data of the problem a suitable isometry so that there is a bijective correspondence...
Orthogonal polynomials and middle Hankel operators on Bergman spaces
We introduce a sequence of Hankel style operators , k = 1,2,3,..., which act on the Bergman space of the unit disk. These operators are intermediate between the classical big and small Hankel operators. We study the boundedness and Schatten-von Neumann properties of the and show, among other things, that are cut-off at 1/k. Recall that the big Hankel operator is cut-off at 1 and the small Hankel operator at 0.
Outer factorization of operator valued weight functions on the torus
An exact criterion is derived for an operator valued weight function on the torus to have a factorization , where the operator valued Fourier coefficients of Φ vanish outside of the Helson-Lowdenslager halfplane , and Φ is “outer” in a related sense. The criterion is expressed in terms of a regularity condition on the weighted space of vector valued functions on the torus. A logarithmic integrability test is also provided. The factor Φ is explicitly constructed in terms of Toeplitz operators...
Paracommutators. Brief introduction, open problems.
We review the basic facts about the theory of paracommutators in Rn (sec S. Janson, J. Peetre, Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 305 (1988), 467504). We also give an interpretation of paracommutators from the point of view of group representations. This suggests a generalization to more general groups. Here we sketch a theory of paracommutators over stratified groups. This include the famous Heisenberg group. Finally, we take up the question of generalizing the notion of Schatten-von Neumann trace ideals to...
Parametrization and Schur algorithm for the integral representation of Hankel forms in T-square
Perturbation of Toeplitz operators and reflexivity
It was shown that the space of Toeplitz operators perturbated by finite rank operators is 2-hyperreflexive.
Perturbed Toeplitz operators and radial determinantal processes
We study a class of rotation invariant determinantal ensembles in the complex plane; examples include the eigenvalues of Gaussian random matrices and the roots of certain families of random polynomials. The main result is a criterion for a central limit theorem to hold for angular statistics of the points. The proof exploits an exact formula relating the generating function of such statistics to the determinant of a perturbed Toeplitz matrix.
Podal subspaces on the unit polydisk
Beurling's classical theorem gives a complete characterization of all invariant subspaces in the Hardy space H²(D). To generalize the theorem to higher dimensions, one is naturally led to determining the structure of each unitary equivalence (resp. similarity) class. This, in turn, requires finding podal (resp. s-podal) points in unitary (resp. similarity) orbits. In this note, we find that H-outer (resp. G-outer) functions play an important role in finding podal (resp. s-podal) points. By the methods...