Displaying 261 – 280 of 651

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Locally convex quasi C*-algebras and noncommutative integration

Camillo Trapani, Salvatore Triolo (2015)

Studia Mathematica

We continue the analysis undertaken in a series of previous papers on structures arising as completions of C*-algebras under topologies coarser that their norm topology and we focus our attention on the so-called locally convex quasi C*-algebras. We show, in particular, that any strongly *-semisimple locally convex quasi C*-algebra (𝔛,𝔄₀) can be represented in a class of noncommutative local L²-spaces.

l(Φ,φ) operators and (Φ,φ)-spaces.

Nicolae Tita (1979)

Collectanea Mathematica

A new class of linear and bounded operators is introduced. This class is more general than the classes of operators from [4], [5] and [8]. Using this class lΦ,φ we also introduce a class of locally convex spaces which is more general than the classes of the nuclear spaces [2], [3] and φ-nuclear spaces [6]. For this class of operators similar properties are established to those of the well known classes lp, lφ, lΦ and also the stability of the tensor product is proved. The stability of the tensor...

M -ideals of compact operators into p

Kamil John, Dirk Werner (2000)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We show for 2 p < and subspaces X of quotients of L p with a 1 -unconditional finite-dimensional Schauder decomposition that K ( X , p ) is an M -ideal in L ( X , p ) .

M ( r , s ) -ideals of compact operators

Rainis Haller, Marje Johanson, Eve Oja (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the position of compact operators in the space of all continuous linear operators and its subspaces in terms of ideals. One of our main results states that for Banach spaces X and Y the subspace of all compact operators 𝒦 ( X , Y ) is an M ( r 1 r 2 , s 1 s 2 ) -ideal in the space of all continuous linear operators ( X , Y ) whenever 𝒦 ( X , X ) and 𝒦 ( Y , Y ) are M ( r 1 , s 1 ) - and M ( r 2 , s 2 ) -ideals in ( X , X ) and ( Y , Y ) , respectively, with r 1 + s 1 / 2 > 1 and r 2 + s 2 / 2 > 1 . We also prove that the M ( r , s ) -ideal 𝒦 ( X , Y ) in ( X , Y ) is separably determined. Among others, our results complete and improve some well-known results...

Mappings on some reflexive algebras characterized by action on zero products or Jordan zero products

Yunhe Chen, Jiankui Li (2011)

Studia Mathematica

Let 𝓛 be a subspace lattice on a Banach space X and let δ: Alg𝓛 → B(X) be a linear mapping. If ⋁ {L ∈ 𝓛 : L₋ ⊉ L}= X or ⋁ {L₋ : L ∈ 𝓛, L₋ ⊉ L} = (0), we show that the following three conditions are equivalent: (1) δ(AB) = δ(A)B + Aδ(B) whenever AB = 0; (2) δ(AB + BA) = δ(A)B + Aδ(B) + δ(B)A + Bδ(A) whenever AB + BA = 0; (3) δ is a generalized derivation and δ(I) ∈ (Alg𝓛)'. If ⋁ {L ∈ 𝓛 : L₋ ⊉ L} = X or ⋁ {L₋ : L ∈ 𝓛, L₋ ⊉ L} = (0) and δ satisfies δ(AB + BA) = δ(A)B + Aδ(B) + δ(B)A + Bδ(A)...

Marcinkiewicz spaces, commutators and non-commutative geometry


Banach Center Publications

Nigel J. Kalton was one of the most eminent guests participating in the Józef Marcinkiewicz Centenary Conference. His contribution to the scientific aspect of the meeting was very essential. Nigel was going to prepare a paper based on his plenary lecture. The editors are completely sure that the paper would be a real ornament of the Proceedings. Unfortunately, Nigel's sudden death totally destroyed editors' hopes and plans. Every mathematician knows how unique were Nigel's mathematical achievements....

Maximal abelian subalgebras and projections in two Banach algebras associated with a topological dynamical system

Marcel de Jeu, Jun Tomiyama (2012)

Studia Mathematica

If Σ = (X,σ) is a topological dynamical system, where X is a compact Hausdorff space and σ is a homeomorphism of X, then a crossed product Banach *-algebra ℓ¹(Σ) is naturally associated with these data. If X consists of one point, then ℓ¹(Σ) is the group algebra of the integers. The commutant C(X)₁' of C(X) in ℓ¹(Σ) is known to be a maximal abelian subalgebra which has non-zero intersection with each non-zero closed ideal, and the same holds for the commutant C(X)'⁎ of C(X) in C*(Σ), the enveloping...

M-ideals of homogeneous polynomials

Verónica Dimant (2011)

Studia Mathematica

We study the problem of whether w ( E ) , the space of n-homogeneous polynomials which are weakly continuous on bounded sets, is an M-ideal in the space (ⁿE) of continuous n-homogeneous polynomials. We obtain conditions that ensure this fact and present some examples. We prove that if w ( E ) is an M-ideal in (ⁿE), then w ( E ) coincides with w 0 ( E ) (n-homogeneous polynomials that are weakly continuous on bounded sets at 0). We introduce a polynomial version of property (M) and derive that if w ( E ) = w 0 ( E ) and (E) is an M-ideal in...

Multilinear Hölder-type inequalities on Lorentz sequence spaces

Daniel Carando, Verónica Dimant, Pablo Sevilla-Peris (2009)

Studia Mathematica

We establish Hölder-type inequalities for Lorentz sequence spaces and their duals. In order to achieve these and some related inequalities, we study diagonal multilinear forms in general sequence spaces, and obtain estimates for their norms. We also consider norms of multilinear forms in different Banach multilinear ideals.

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 651