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Warm-start cuts for Generalized Benders Decomposition

Jakub Kůdela, Pavel Popela (2017)


In this paper, we describe a decomposition algorithm suitable for two-stage convex stochastic programs known as Generalized Benders Decomposition. For this algorithm we propose a new reformulation that incorporates a lower bound cut that serves as a warm-start, decreasing the overall computation time. Additionally, we test the performance of the proposed reformulation on two modifications of the algorithm (bunching and multicut) using numerical examples. The numerical part is programmed in MATLAB...

Weak and strong density results for the Dirichlet energy

Mariano Giaquinta, Domenico Mucci (2004)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

Let 𝒴 be a smooth oriented Riemannian manifold which is compact, connected, without boundary and with second homology group without torsion. In this paper we characterize the sequential weak closure of smooth graphs in B n × 𝒴 with equibounded Dirichlet energies, B n being the unit ball in n . More precisely, weak limits of graphs of smooth maps u k : B n 𝒴 with equibounded Dirichlet integral give rise to elements of the space cart 2 , 1 ( B n × 𝒴 ) (cf. [4], [5], [6]). In this paper we prove that every element T in cart 2 , 1 ( B n × 𝒴 ) is the weak limit...

Weak notions of jacobian determinant and relaxation

Guido De Philippis (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we study two weak notions of Jacobian determinant for Sobolev maps, namely the distributional Jacobian and the relaxed total variation, which in general could be different. We show some cases of equality and use them to give an explicit expression for the relaxation of some polyconvex functionals.

Weak notions of Jacobian determinant and relaxation

Guido De Philippis (2012)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we study two weak notions of Jacobian determinant for Sobolev maps, namely the distributional Jacobian and the relaxed total variation, which in general could be different. We show some cases of equality and use them to give an explicit expression for the relaxation of some polyconvex functionals.

Weaker convergence conditions for the secant method

Ioannis K. Argyros, Saïd Hilout (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

We use tighter majorizing sequences than in earlier studies to provide a semilocal convergence analysis for the secant method. Our sufficient convergence conditions are also weaker. Numerical examples are provided where earlier conditions do not hold but for which the new conditions are satisfied.

Weight minimization of an elastic plate with a unilateral inner obstacle by a mixed finite element method

Ivan Hlaváček (1994)

Applications of Mathematics

Unilateral deflection problem of a clamped plate above a rigid inner obstacle is considered. The variable thickness of the plate is to be optimized to reach minimal weight under some constraints for maximal stresses. Since the constraints are expressed in terms of the bending moments only, Herrmann-Hellan finite element scheme is employed. The existence of an optimal thickness is proved and some convergence analysis for approximate penalized optimal design problem is presented.

Weight minimization of elastic bodies weakly supporting tension. I. Domains with one curved side

Ivan Hlaváček, Michal Křížek (1992)

Applications of Mathematics

Shape optimization of a two-dimensional elastic body is considered, provided the material is weakly supporting tension. The problem generalizes that of a masonry dam subjected to its own weight and to the hydrostatic presure. Existence of an optimal shape is proved. Using a penalty method and finite element technique, approximate solutions are proposed and their convergence is analyzed.

Weight minimization of elastic plates using Reissner-Mindlin model and mixed-interpolated elements

Ivan Hlaváček (1996)

Applications of Mathematics

The problem to find an optimal thickness of the plate in a set of bounded Lipschitz continuous functions is considered. Mean values of the intensity of shear stresses must not exceed a given value. Using a penalty method and finite element spaces with interpolation to overcome the “locking” effect, an approximate optimization problem is proposed. We prove its solvability and present some convergence analysis.

Weighted energy-dissipation functionals for gradient flows

Alexander Mielke, Ulisse Stefanelli (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We investigate a global-in-time variational approach to abstract evolution by means of the weighted energy-dissipation functionals proposed by Mielke and Ortiz [ESAIM: COCV14 (2008) 494–516]. In particular, we focus on gradient flows in Hilbert spaces. The main result is the convergence of minimizers and approximate minimizers of these functionals to the unique solution of the gradient flow. Sharp convergence rates are provided and the convergence analysis is combined with time-discretization....

Weighted energy-dissipation functionals for gradient flows

Alexander Mielke, Ulisse Stefanelli (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We investigate a global-in-time variational approach to abstract evolution by means of the weighted energy-dissipation functionals proposed by Mielke and Ortiz [ESAIM: COCV14 (2008) 494–516]. In particular, we focus on gradient flows in Hilbert spaces. The main result is the convergence of minimizers and approximate minimizers of these functionals to the unique solution of the gradient flow. Sharp convergence rates are provided and the convergence analysis is combined with time-discretization....

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