Landsberg spaces satisfying the -condition.
We introduce various notions of large-scale isoperimetric profile on a locally compact, compactly generated amenable group. These asymptotic quantities provide measurements of the degree of amenability of the group. We are particularly interested in a class of groups with exponential volume growth which are the most amenable possible in that sense. We show that these groups share various interesting properties such as the speed of on-diagonal decay of random walks, the vanishing of the reduced first...
The Koszul complex, as introduced in 1950, was a differential graded algebra which modelled a principal fibre bundle. Since then it has been an effective tool, both in algebra and in topology, for the calculation of homological and homotopical invariants. After a partial summary of these results we recall more recent generalizations of this complex, and some applications.
On démontre que le second nombre de Betti réel d’une variété riemannienne compacte de dimension 4 à courbure sectionnelle -pincée est majoré par un.
Après avoir présenté quelques résultats récents portant sur l’étude du spectre des longueurs des surfaces hyperboliques avec ou sans singularités, on démontre que les sphères possédant trois points coniques sont, dans leur classe, spectralement rigides.