A Spectral Sequence Concerning the Double Suspension.
We give a topological version of a Bertini type theorem due to Abhyankar. A new definition of a branched covering is given. If the restriction of the natural projection π: Y × Z → Y to a closed set V ⊂ Y × Z is a branched covering then, under certain assumptions, we can obtain generators of the fundamental group π₁((Y×Z).
Two direct relations are exhibited between the Whitehead product for track groups studied in [4] and the generalized Whitehead product in the sense of Arkowitz. The problem of determining the order of the Whitehead square is posed and some computations given.
We prove a new adjunction theorem for n-equivalences. This theorem enables us to produce a simple geometric version of proof of the triad connectivity theorem of Blakers and Massey. An important intermediate step is a study of the collapsing map S∨X → S, S being a sphere.
Let be a field. We compute the set ofnaivehomotopy classes of pointed -scheme endomorphisms of the projective line . Our result compares well with Morel’s computation in [11] of thegroup of -homotopy classes of pointed endomorphisms of : the set admits an a priori monoid structure such that the canonical map is a group completion.