Displaying 1001 – 1020 of 1237

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The ambient homeomorphy of certain function and sequence spaces

Jan J. Dijkstra, Jerzy Mogilski (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

In this paper we consider a number of sequence and function spaces that are known to be homeomorphic to the countable product of the linear space σ . The spaces we are interested in have a canonical imbedding in both a topological Hilbert space and a Hilbert cube. It turns out that when we consider these spaces as subsets of a Hilbert cube then there is only one topological type. For imbeddings in the countable product of lines there are two types depending on whether the space is contained in a...

The cell-like approximation theorem in dimension 5

Robert J. Daverman, Denise M. Halverson (2007)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

The cell-like approximation theorem of R. D. Edwards characterizes the n-manifolds precisely as the resolvable ENR homology n-manifolds with the disjoint disks property for 5 ≤ n < ∞. Since no proof for the n = 5 case has ever been published, we provide the missing details about the proof of the cell-like approximation theorem in dimension 5.

The cohomology algebras of orientable Seifert manifolds and applications to Lusternik-Schnirelmann category

J. Bryden, P. Zvengrowski (1998)

Banach Center Publications

This note gives a complete description of the cohomology algebra of any orientable Seifert manifold with ℤ/p coefficients, for an arbitrary prime p. As an application, the existence of a degree one map from an orientable Seifert manifold onto a lens space is completely determined. A second application shows that the Lusternik-Schnirelmann category for a large class of Seifert manifolds is equal to 3, which in turn is used to verify the Ganea conjecture for these Seifert manifolds.

Currently displaying 1001 – 1020 of 1237