Characteristic Numbers of G-Manifolds. I.
Si fa vedere che alcune classi di Chern di fibrati vettoriali complessi possono essere costruite non solo partendo da connessioni ma, sotto certe condizioni, anche da connessioni lineari singolari. Nel caso particolare del fibrato tangente possono essere costruite anche a partire da metriche singolari. Viene fatto uso in modo essenziale della -coomologia di de Rham (introdotta da Cheeger e Teleman).
We will consider codimension one holomorphic foliations represented by sections , and having a compact Kupka component . We show that the Chern classes of the tangent bundle of behave like Chern classes of a complete intersection 0 and, as a corollary we prove that is a complete intersection in some cases.
Motivated by the work of A. C. Naolekar and A. S. Thakur (2014) we introduce notions of upper chern rank and even cup length of a finite connected CW-complex and prove that upper chern rank is a homotopy invariant. It turns out that determination of upper chern rank of a space sometimes helps to detect whether a generator of the top cohomology group can be realized as Euler class for some real (orientable) vector bundle over or not. For a closed connected -dimensional complex manifold we obtain...