Fixed Points of Periodic Differentiable Maps.
We show that a surface group of high genus contained in a classical simple Lie group can be deformed to become Zariski dense, unless the Lie group is (resp. , odd) and the surface group is maximal in some (resp. ). This is a converse, for classical groups, to a rigidity result of S. Bradlow, O. García-Prada and P. Gothen.
Cet article est consacré à l’étude d’une large classe de flots d’Anosov sur les variétés graphées. Nous établissons un résultat général à propos des plongements de variétés de Seifert dans les variétés de dimension 3 admettant un flot d’Anosov produit, généralisant ainsi un résultat de E. Ghys. Nous montrons que, à isotopie près, la restriction du feuilletage unidimensionnel défini par le flot à l’image de ce plongement est topologiquement conjugué à un morceau de flot géodésique privé d’un nombre...
Let N be a closed orientable n-manifold, n ≥ 3, and K a compact non-empty subset. We prove that the existence of a transversally orientable codimension one foliation on N∖K with leaves homeomorphic to , in the relative topology, implies that K must be connected. If in addition one imposes some restrictions on the homology of K, then N must be a homotopy sphere. Next we consider C² actions of a Lie group diffeomorphic to on N and obtain our main result: if K, the set of singular points of the...
In this paper we give a geometric characterization of the 2-dimensional foliations on compact orientable 3-manifolds defined by a locally free smooth action of .
Let be a compact Lie group acting in a Hamiltonian way on a symplectic manifold which is pre-quantized by a Kostant-Souriau line bundle. We suppose here that the moment map is proper so that the reduced space is compact for all . Then, we can define the “formal geometric quantization” of asThe aim of this article is to study the functorial properties of the assignment .