Multilocal invariants for the classical groups.
Se estudia la integrabilidad de campos multivectoriales en variedades diferenciables y la relación entre algunos tipos de campos multivectoriales en un fibrado de jets y conexiones en dicho fibrado. Como caso particular se relacionan los campos multivectoriales integrables y las conexiones cuyas secciones integrales son holonómicas. Como aplicación de todo ello, estos resultados permiten escribir las ecuaciones de campo de las teorías clásicas de campos de primer orden en varias formas equivalentes....
We study triviality of Nash families of proper Nash submersions or, in a more general setting, the triviality of pairs of proper Nash submersions. We work with Nash manifolds and mappings defined over an arbitrary real closed field . To substitute the integration of vector fields, we study the fibers of such families on points of the real spectrum and we construct models of proper Nash submersions over smaller real closed fields. Finally we obtain results on finiteness of topological types in...
All natural affinors on the -th order cotangent bundle are determined. Basic affinors of this type are the identity affinor id of and the -th power affinors with defined by the -th power transformations of . An arbitrary natural affinor is a linear combination of the basic ones.
Let be such that . Let be a fibered manifold with -dimensional basis and -dimensional fibers. All natural affinors on are classified. It is deduced that there is no natural generalized connection on . Similar problems with instead of are solved.
We deduce that for and , every natural affinor on over -manifolds is of the form for a real number , where is the identity affinor on .
We describe all F2Mm1,m2,n1,n2-natural affinors on the r-th order adapted frame bundle PrAY over (m1,m2, n1, n2)-dimensional fibered-fibered manifolds Y.
For natural numbers r,s,q,m,n with s ≥ r ≤ q we describe all natural affinors on the (r,s,q)-cotangent bundle over an (m,n)-dimensional fibered manifold Y.
Let and be two natural bundles over -manifolds. We prove that if is of type (I) and is of type (II), then any natural differential operator of into is of order 0. We give examples of natural bundles of type (I) or of type (II). As an application of the main theorem we determine all natural differential operators between some natural bundles.
We determine all natural functions on and .
We determine all first order natural operators transforming –tensor fields on a manifold into –tensor fields on .
Natural liftings are classified for . It is proved that they form a 5-parameter family of operators.
We clarify how the natural transformations of fiber product preserving bundle functors on can be constructed by using reductions of the rth order frame bundle of the base, being the category of fibered manifolds with m-dimensional bases and fiber preserving maps with local diffeomorphisms as base maps. The iteration of two general r-jet functors is discussed in detail.