Displaying 201 – 220 of 703

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Fonctions composées différentiables : cas algébrique

Jean-Claude Tougeron (1980)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit f un morphisme propre et de Nash d’un ouvert Ω de R n dans un ouvert Ω ' de R p . Nous démontrons que l’image par f * de l’algèbre C ( Ω ' ) des fonctions réelles C dans Ω ' est fermée dans C ( Ω ) munie de sa topologie habituelle d’espace de Fréchet. Ce résultat généralise, dans le cas algébrique, un résultat de G. Glaeser sur les fonctions composées différentiables.

Fractal-classic interpolants

M. A. Navascués, M. V. Sebastián (2009)

Banach Center Publications

The methodology of fractal interpolation is very useful for processing experimental signals in order to extract their characteristics of complexity. We go further and prove that the Iterated Function System involved may also be used to obtain new approximants that are close to classical ones. In this work a classical function and a fractal function are combined to construct a new interpolant. The fractal function is first defined as a perturbation of a classical mapping. The additional condition...

Fractional Derivatives in Spaces of Generalized Functions

Stojanović, Mirjana (2011)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

MSC 2010: 26A33, 46Fxx, 58C05 Dedicated to 80-th birthday of Prof. Rudolf GorenfloWe generalize the two forms of the fractional derivatives (in Riemann-Liouville and Caputo sense) to spaces of generalized functions using appropriate techniques such as the multiplication of absolutely continuous function by the Heaviside function, and the analytical continuation. As an application, we give the two forms of the fractional derivatives of discontinuous functions in spaces of distributions.

Fréchet directional differentiability and Fréchet differentiability

John R. Giles, Scott Sciffer (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Zaj’ıček has recently shown that for a lower semi-continuous real-valued function on an Asplund space, the set of points where the function is Fréchet subdifferentiable but not Fréchet differentiable is first category. We introduce another variant of Fréchet differentiability, called Fréchet directional differentiability, and show that for any real-valued function on a normed linear space, the set of points where the function is Fréchet directionally differentiable but not Fréchet differentiable...

From Poisson algebras to Gerstenhaber algebras

Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Constructing an even Poisson algebra from a Gerstenhaber algebra by means of an odd derivation of square 0 is shown to be possible in the category of Loday algebras (algebras with a non-skew-symmetric bracket, generalizing the Lie algebras, heretofore called Leibniz algebras in the literature). Such “derived brackets” give rise to Lie brackets on certain quotient spaces, and also on certain Abelian subalgebras. The construction of these derived brackets explains the origin of the Lie bracket on...

Functions of class Ck without derivatives.

Gijs M. Tuynman (1997)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

We describe a general axiomatic way to define functions of class Ck, k ∈ N∪{∞} on topological abelian groups. In the category of Banach spaces, this definition coincides with the usual one. The advantage of this axiomatic approach is that one can dispense with the notion of norms and limit procedures. The disadvantage is that one looses the derivative, which is replaced by a local linearizing factor. As an application we use this approach to define C∞ functions in the setting of graded/super manifolds....

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 703