Relèvement linéaire des cobords
We present some consequences of a deep result of J. Lindenstrauss and D. Preiss on -almost everywhere Fréchet differentiability of Lipschitz functions on (and similar Banach spaces). For example, in these spaces, every continuous real function is Fréchet differentiable at -almost every at which it is Gâteaux differentiable. Another interesting consequences say that both cone-monotone functions and continuous quasiconvex functions on these spaces are -almost everywhere Fréchet differentiable....
We first provide an approach to the conjecture of Bierstone-Milman-Pawłucki on Whitney’s problem on extendability of functions. For example, the conjecture is affirmative for classical fractal sets. Next, we give a sharpened form of Spallek’s theorem on flatness.
En nous inspirant d’articles de Beardon, nous donnons des résultats concernant les points fixes et les orbites d’auto-applications contractantes et semi-contractantes des espaces connexes localement compacts. Des résultats plus précis sont obtenus dans le cas des variétés complexes Kobayashi hyperboliques.
For and either or , we prove the existence of solutions of in a cone , with vertex 0 and opening , vanishing on , of the form . The problem reduces to a quasilinear elliptic equation on and the existence proof is based upon degree theory and homotopy methods. We also obtain a nonexistence result in some critical case by making use of an integral type identity.
Let be a hyperbolic surface and let be a Laplacian eigenfunction having eigenvalue with . Let be the set of nodal lines of . For a fixed analytic curve of finite length, we study the number of intersections between and in terms of . When is compact and a geodesic circle, or when has finite volume and is a closed horocycle, we prove that is “good” in the sense of [TZ]. As a result, we obtain that the number of intersections between and is . This bound is sharp.