Displaying 41 – 60 of 80

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Maximal functions related to subelliptic operators invariant under an action of a solvable Lie group

Ewa Damek, Andrzej Hulanicki (1991)

Studia Mathematica

On the domain S_a = {(x,e^b): x ∈ N, b ∈ ℝ, b > a} where N is a simply connected nilpotent Lie group, a certain N-left-invariant, second order, degenerate elliptic operator L is considered. N × {e^a} is the Poisson boundary for L-harmonic functions F, i.e. F is the Poisson integral F(xe^b) = ʃ_N f(xy)dμ^b_a(x), for an f in L^∞(N). The main theorem of the paper asserts that the maximal function M^a f(x) = sup{|ʃf(xy)dμ_a^b(y)| : b > a} is of weak type (1,1).

On Poisson-Dirichlet problems with polynomial data

Henryk Gzyl (2002)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this note we provide a probabilistic proof that Poisson and/or Dirichlet problems in an ellipsoid in Rd, that have polynomial data, also have polynomial solutions. Our proofs use basic stochastic calculus. The existing proofs are based on famous lemma by E. Fisher which we do not use, and present a simple martingale proof of it as well.

Prolongement des solutions holomorphes de problèmes aux limites

André Martinez (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article, on démontre, par des techniques d’analyse microlocale analytique, un résultat local de prolongement holomorphe pour les solutions de problèmes aux limites. Afin de minimiser le domaine dans lequel on suppose holomorphes au départ ces solutions, un résultat préliminaire de prolongement pour les solutions d’équations aux dérivées partielles a été obtenu, par la technique des déformations non caractéristiques, utilisant un théorème de Zerner dont on donne ici une nouvelle démonstration....

Real Monge-Ampère equations and Kähler-Ricci solitons on toric log Fano varieties

Robert J. Berman, Bo Berndtsson (2013)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We show, using a direct variational approach, that the second boundary value problem for the Monge-Ampère equation in n with exponential non-linearity and target a convex body P is solvable iff 0 is the barycenter of P . Combined with some toric geometry this confirms, in particular, the (generalized) Yau-Tian-Donaldson conjecture for toric log Fano varieties ( X , Δ ) saying that ( X , Δ ) admits a (singular) Kähler-Einstein metric iff it is K-stable in the algebro-geometric sense. We thus obtain a new proof and...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 80