Displaying 361 – 380 of 444

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Strong law of large numbers for branching diffusions

János Engländer, Simon C. Harris, Andreas E. Kyprianou (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let X be the branching particle diffusion corresponding to the operator Lu+β(u2−u) on D⊆ℝd (where β≥0 and β≢0). Let λc denote the generalized principal eigenvalue for the operator L+β on D and assume that it is finite. When λc>0 and L+β−λc satisfies certain spectral theoretical conditions, we prove that the random measure exp{−λct}Xt converges almost surely in the vague topology as t tends to infinity. This result is motivated by a cluster of articles due to Asmussen and Hering dating from...

Superdiffusive bounds on self-repellent precesses in d = 2 — extended abstract

Bálint Tóth, Benedek Valkó (2010)

Actes des rencontres du CIRM

We prove superdiffusivity with multiplicative logarithmic corrections for a class of models of random walks and diffusions with long memory. The family of models includes the “true” (or “myopic”) self-avoiding random walk, self-repelling Durrett-Rogers polymer model and diffusion in the curl-field of (mollified) massless free Gaussian field in 2D. We adapt methods developed in the context of bulk diffusion of ASEP by Landim-Quastel-Salmhofer-Yau (2004).

Superposition of diffusions with linear generator and its multifractal limit process

End Iglói, György Terdik (2003)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper a new multifractal stochastic process called Limit of the Integrated Superposition of Diffusion processes with Linear differencial Generator (LISDLG) is presented which realistically characterizes the network traffic multifractality. Several properties of the LISDLG model are presented including long range dependence, cumulants, logarithm of the characteristic function, dilative stability, spectrum and bispectrum. The model captures higher-order statistics by the cumulants. The relevance...

Superposition of Diffusions with Linear Generator and its Multifractal Limit Process

Endre Iglói, György Terdik (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper a new multifractal stochastic process called Limit of the Integrated Superposition of Diffusion processes with Linear differencial Generator (LISDLG) is presented which realistically characterizes the network traffic multifractality. Several properties of the LISDLG model are presented including long range dependence, cumulants, logarithm of the characteristic function, dilative stability, spectrum and bispectrum. The model captures higher-order statistics by the cumulants. The relevance...

Sur l'existence de processus de diffusion

Kazuaki Taira (1979)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Dans cet article, on considère le problème de l’existence de processus de diffusion satisfaisant aux conditions aux limites introduites par Ventcel’ et on donne des conditions suffisantes, en généralisant des résultats de Bony-Courrège-Priouret au cas où les conditions aux limites sont non-coercives.

Currently displaying 361 – 380 of 444