Displaying 421 – 440 of 584

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Relaxation of vectorial variational problems

Tomáš Roubíček (1995)

Mathematica Bohemica

Multidimensional vectorial non-quasiconvex variational problems are relaxed by means of a generalized-Young-functional technique. Selective first-order optimality conditions, having the form of an Euler-Weiestrass condition involving minors, are formulated in a special, rather a model case when the potential has a polyconvex quasiconvexification.

Reliable computation and local mesh adaptivity in limit analysis

Sysala, Stanislav, Haslinger, Jaroslav, Repin, Sergey (2019)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The contribution is devoted to computations of the limit load for a perfectly plastic model with the von Mises yield criterion. The limit factor of a prescribed load is defined by a specific variational problem, the so-called limit analysis problem. This problem is solved in terms of deformation fields by a penalization, the finite element and the semismooth Newton methods. From the numerical solution, we derive a guaranteed upper bound of the limit factor. To achieve more accurate results, a local...

Residual a posteriori error estimators for contact problems in elasticity

Patrick Hild, Serge Nicaise (2007)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This paper is concerned with the unilateral contact problem in linear elasticity. We define two a posteriori error estimators of residual type to evaluate the accuracy of the mixed finite element approximation of the contact problem. Upper and lower bounds of the discretization error are proved for both estimators and several computations are performed to illustrate the theoretical results.

Resolution of the time dependent Pn equations by a Godunov type scheme having the diffusion limit

Patricia Cargo, Gérald Samba (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider the Pn model to approximate the time dependent transport equation in one dimension of space. In a diffusive regime, the solution of this system is solution of a diffusion equation. We are looking for a numerical scheme having the diffusion limit property: in a diffusive regime, it has to give the solution of the limiting diffusion equation on a mesh at the diffusion scale. The numerical scheme proposed is an extension of the Godunov type scheme proposed by Gosse to solve the P1 model...

Shape optimization in contact problems based on penalization of the state inequality

Jaroslav Haslinger, Pekka Neittaanmäki, Timo Tiihonen (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper deals with the approximation of optimal shape of elastic bodies, unilaterally supported by a rigid, frictionless foundation. Original state inequality, describing the behaviour of such a body is replaced by a family of penalized state problems. The relation between optimal shapes for the original state inequality and those for penalized state equations is established.

Shape optimization of an elasto-perfectly plastic body

Ivan Hlaváček (1987)

Aplikace matematiky

Within the range of Prandtl-Reuss model of elasto-plasticity the following optimal design problem is solved. Given body forces and surface tractions, a part of the boundary, where the (two-dimensional) body is fixed, is to be found, so as to minimize an integral of the squared yield function. The state problem is formulated in terms of stresses by means of a time-dependent variational inequality. For approximate solutions piecewise linear approximations of the unknown boundary, piecewise constant...

Shape optimization of an elasto-plastic body for the model with strain- hardening

Vladislav Pištora (1990)

Aplikace matematiky

The state problem of elasto-plasticity (for the model with strain-hardening) is formulated in terms of stresses and hardening parameters by means of a time-dependent variational inequality. The optimal design problem is to find the shape of a part of the boundary such that a given cost functional is minimized. For the approximate solutions piecewise linear approximations of the unknown boundary, piecewise constant triangular elements for the stress and the hardening parameter, and backward differences...

Shape optimization of elastic axisymmetric bodies

Ivan Hlaváček (1989)

Aplikace matematiky

The shape of the meridian curve of an elastic body is optimized within a class of Lipschitz functions. Only axisymmetric mixed boundary value problems are considered. Four different cost functionals are used and approximate piecewise linear solutions defined on the basis of a finite element technique. Some convergence and existence results are derived by means of the theory of the appropriate weighted Sobolev spaces.

Shape optimization of elasto-plastic axisymmetric bodies

Ivan Hlaváček (1991)

Applications of Mathematics

A minimization of a cost functional with respect to a part of a boundary is considered for an elasto-plastic axisymmetric body obeying Hencky's law. The principle of Haar-Kármán and piecewise linear stress approximations are used to solve the state problem. A convergence result and the existence of an optimal boundary is proved.

Shape optimization of elastoplastic bodies obeying Hencky's law

Ivan Hlaváček (1986)

Aplikace matematiky

A minimization of a cost functional with respect to a part of the boundary, where the body is fixed, is considered. The criterion is defined by an integral of a yield function. The principle of Haar-Kármán and piecewise constant stress approximations are used to solve the state problem. A convergence result and the existence of an optimal boundary is proved.

Simulation and design of extraction and separation fluidic devices

Bijan Mohammadi, Juan G. Santiago (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We present the combination of a state control and shape design approaches for the optimization of micro-fluidic channels used for sample extraction and separation of chemical species existing in a buffer solution. The aim is to improve the extraction and identification capacities of electroosmotic micro-fluidic devices by avoiding dispersion of the extracted advected band.

Simulation and design of extraction and separation fluidic devices

Bijan Mohammadi, Juan G. Santiago (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We present the combination of a state control and shape design approaches for the optimization of micro-fluidic channels used for sample extraction and separation of chemical species existing in a buffer solution. The aim is to improve the extraction and identification capacities of electroosmotic micro-fluidic devices by avoiding dispersion of the extracted advected band.

Currently displaying 421 – 440 of 584