A note on asymptotic helix and quantum mechanical structure.
A generalisation of quantum principal bundles in which a quantum structure group is replaced by a coalgebra is proposed.
An -ary Poisson bracket (or generalized Poisson bracket) on the manifold is a skew-symmetric -linear bracket of functions which is a derivation in each argument and satisfies the generalized Jacobi identity of order , i.e.,
The author proves that on a von Neumann albebra (possibly of uncountable cardinality) there exists a family of states having mutually orthogonal supports (projections) converging to the identity operator.
The method of choice for describing attractive quantum systems is Hartree−Fock−Bogoliubov (HFB) theory. This is a nonlinear model which allows for the description of pairing effects, the main explanation for the superconductivity of certain materials at very low temperature. This paper is the first study of Hartree−Fock−Bogoliubov theory from the point of view of numerical analysis. We start by discussing its proper discretization and then analyze the convergence of the simple fixed point (Roothaan)...
We consider the electronic properties of a system consisting of two quantum dots in physical proximity, which we will refer to as the double-Qdot. Double-Qdots are attractive in light of their potential application to spin-based quantum computing and other electronic applications, e.g. as specialized sensors. Our main goal is to derive the essential properties of the double-Qdot from a model that is rigorous yet numerically tractable, and largely circumvents the complexities of an ab initio simulation....