-cross products and a generalized quantum mechanical -body problem.
We introduce by means of reproducing kernel theory and decomposition in orthogonal polynomials canonical correspondences between an interacting Fock space a reproducing kernel Hilbert space and a square integrable functions space w.r.t. a cylindrical measure. Using this correspondences we investigate the structure of the infinite dimensional canonical commutation relations. In particular we construct test functions spaces, distributions spaces and a quantization map which generalized the work of...
In the first part of the paper we discuss possible definitions of Fock representation of the *-Lie algebra of the Renormalized Higher Powers of White Noise (RHPWN). We propose one definition that avoids the no-go theorems and we show that the vacuum distribution of the analogue of the field operator for the n-th renormalized power of WN defines a continuous binomial process. In the second part of the paper we present without proof our recent results on the central extensions of RHPWN, its subalgebras...
A brief introduction to -graded quantum stochastic calculus is given. By inducing a superalgebraic structure on the space of iterated integrals and using the heuristic classical relation df(Λ) = f(Λ + dΛ) - f(Λ) we provide an explicit formula for chaotic expansions of polynomials of the integrator processes of -graded quantum stochastic calculus.
This is a continuation of the earlier work (Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.45 (2009) 745–785) to characterize unitary stationary independent increment gaussian processes. The earlier assumption of uniform continuity is replaced by weak continuity and with technical assumptions on the domain of the generator, unitary equivalence of the process to the solution of an appropriate Hudson–Parthasarathy equation is proved.
It is a common belief among theoretical physicists that the charge conjugation of the Dirac equation has an analogy in higher dimensional space-times so that in an 8-dimensional space-time there would also be Maiorana spinors as eigenspinors of a charge conjugation, which would swap the sign of the electric charge of the Dirac equation. This article shows that this mistaken belief is based on inadequate distinction between two kinds of charge conjugation: the electric conjugation swapping the sign...
We prove the asymptotic completeness of the quantum scattering for a Stark Hamiltonian with a time dependent interaction potential, created by N classical particles moving in a constant electric field.
Circular operators related to the operator of multiplication by a homomorphism of a locally compact abelian group and its restrictions are completely characterized. As particular cases descriptions of circular operators related to various quantum observables are given.