Displaying 81 – 100 of 144

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The single (and multi) item profit maximizing capacitated lot–size (PCLSP) problem with fixed prices and no set–up

Kjetil K. Haugen, Asmund Olstad, Krystsina Bakhrankova, Erik Van Eikenhorst (2010)


This paper proposes a specialized LP-algorithm for a sub problem arising in simple Profit maximising Lot-sizing. The setting involves a single (and multi) item production system with negligible set-up costs/times and limited production capacity. The producer faces a monopolistic market with given time-varying linear demand curves.

The steepest descent dynamical system with control. Applications to constrained minimization

Alexandre Cabot (2004)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let H be a real Hilbert space, Φ 1 : H a convex function of class 𝒞 1 that we wish to minimize under the convex constraint S . A classical approach consists in following the trajectories of the generalized steepest descent system (cf. Brézis [5]) applied to the non-smooth function Φ 1 + δ S . Following Antipin [1], it is also possible to use a continuous gradient-projection system. We propose here an alternative method as follows: given a smooth convex function Φ 0 : H whose critical points coincide with S and a control...

The steepest descent dynamical system with control. Applications to constrained minimization

Alexandre Cabot (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let H be a real Hilbert space, Φ 1 : H a convex function of class 𝒞 1 that we wish to minimize under the convex constraint S. A classical approach consists in following the trajectories of the generalized steepest descent system (cf.   Brézis [CITE]) applied to the non-smooth function  Φ 1 + δ S . Following Antipin [1], it is also possible to use a continuous gradient-projection system. We propose here an alternative method as follows: given a smooth convex function  Φ 0 : H whose critical points coincide with S and...

The traveling salesman problem and harmonic analysis.

Peter W. Jones (1991)

Publicacions Matemàtiques

In this paper we propose to discuss some relationships between the classical Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP), Litlewood-Paley theory, and harmonic measure. This circle of ideas is also closely related to the theory of Cauchy integrals on Lipschitz graphs, and this aspect is discussed more fully in the paper of David and Semmes [2] in this proceedings. The main differences between the subjects in [2] and this paper are that the results here are valid for one dimensional sets, whereas [2] treats...

The use of graphics card and nVidia CUDA architecture in the optimization of the heat radiation intensity

Mlýnek, Jaroslav, Srb, Radek, Knobloch, Roman (2015)

Programs and Algorithms of Numerical Mathematics

The paper focuses on the acceleration of the computer optimization of heat radiation intensity on the mould surface. The mould is warmed up by infrared heaters positioned above the mould surface, and in this way artificial leathers in the automotive industry are produced (e.g. for car dashboards). The presented heating model allows us to specify the position of infrared heaters over the mould to obtain approximately even heat radiation intensity on the whole mould surface. In this way we can obtain...

Theorems of the alternative for cones and Lyapunov regularity of matrices

Bryan Cain, Daniel Hershkowitz, Hans Schneider (1997)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Standard facts about separating linear functionals will be used to determine how two cones C and D and their duals C * and D * may overlap. When T V W is linear and K V and D W are cones, these results will be applied to C = T ( K ) and D , giving a unified treatment of several theorems of the alternate which explain when C contains an interior point of D . The case when V = W is the space H of n × n Hermitian matrices, D is the n × n positive semidefinite matrices, and T ( X ) = A X + X * A yields new and known results about the existence of block diagonal...

Theoretical analysis of steady state genetic algorithms

Alexandru Agapie, Alden H. Wright (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

Evolutionary Algorithms, also known as Genetic Algorithms in a former terminology, are probabilistic algorithms for optimization, which mimic operators from natural selection and genetics. The paper analyses the convergence of the heuristic associated to a special type of Genetic Algorithm, namely the Steady State Genetic Algorithm (SSGA), considered as a discrete-time dynamical system non-generational model. Inspired by the Markov chain results in finite Evolutionary Algorithms, conditions are...

Thin and heavy tails in stochastic programming

Vlasta Kaňková, Michal Houda (2015)


Optimization problems depending on a probability measure correspond to many applications. These problems can be static (single-stage), dynamic with finite (multi-stage) or infinite horizon, single- or multi-objective. It is necessary to have complete knowledge of the “underlying” probability measure if we are to solve the above-mentioned problems with precision. However this assumption is very rarely fulfilled (in applications) and consequently, problems have to be solved mostly on the basis of...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 144