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Minimal predictors in hat problems

Christopher S. Hardin, Alan D. Taylor (2010)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We consider a combinatorial problem related to guessing the values of a function at various points based on its values at certain other points, often presented by way of a hat-problem metaphor: there are a number of players who will have colored hats placed on their heads, and they wish to guess the colors of their own hats. A visibility relation specifies who can see which hats. This paper focuses on the existence of minimal predictors: strategies guaranteeing at least one player guesses correctly,...

Monotone extenders for bounded c-valued functions

Kaori Yamazaki (2010)

Studia Mathematica

Let c be the Banach space consisting of all convergent sequences of reals with the sup-norm, C ( A , c ) the set of all bounded continuous functions f: A → c, and C A ( X , c ) the set of all functions f: X → c which are continuous at each point of A ⊂ X. We show that a Tikhonov subspace A of a topological space X is strong Choquet in X if there exists a monotone extender u : C ( A , c ) C A ( X , c ) . This shows that the monotone extension property for bounded c-valued functions can fail in GO-spaces, which provides a negative answer to a question...

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