Displaying 201 – 220 of 802

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Direct algorithm for pole placement by state-derivative feedback for multi-inputlinear systems - nonsingular case

Taha H. S. Abdelaziz, Michael Valášek (2005)


This paper deals with the direct solution of the pole placement problem by state-derivative feedback for multi- input linear systems. The paper describes the solution of this pole placement problem for any controllable system with nonsingular system matrix and nonzero desired poles. Then closed-loop poles can be placed in order to achieve the desired system performance. The solving procedure results into a formula similar to Ackermann one. Its derivation is based on the transformation of linear...

Direct design of robustly asymptotically stabilizing hybrid feedback

Rafal Goebel, Andrew R. Teel (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

A direct construction of a stabilizing hybrid feedback that is robust to general measurement error is given for a general nonlinear control system that is asymptotically controllable to a compact set.

Discrete feedback stabilization of semilinear control systems

Lars Grnüe (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

For continuous time semilinear control systems with constrained control values stabilizing discrete feedback controls are discussed. It is shown that under an accessibility condition exponential discrete feedback stabilizability is equivalent to open loop exponential asymptotic null controllability. A numerical algorithm for the computation of discrete feedback controls is presented and a numerical example is discussed.

Discretization schemes for Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals in time-delay systems

Keqin Gu (2001)


This article gives an overview of discretized Lyapunov functional methods for time-delay systems. Quadratic Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals are discretized by choosing the kernel to be piecewise linear. As a result, the stability conditions may be written in the form of linear matrix inequalities. Conservatism may be reduced by choosing a finer mesh. Simplification techniques, including elimination of variables and using integral inequalities are also discussed. Systems with multiple delays and...

Distributed optimization via active disturbance rejection control: A nabla fractional design

Yikun Zeng, Yiheng Wei, Shuaiyu Zhou, Dongdong Yue (2024)


This paper studies distributed optimization problems of a class of agents with fractional order dynamics and unknown external disturbances. Motivated by the celebrated active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) method, a fractional order extended state observer (Frac-ESO) is first constructed, and an ADRC-based PI-like protocol is then proposed for the target distributed optimization problem. It is rigorously shown that the decision variables of the agents reach a domain of the optimal solution...

Disturbance decoupling of nonlinear MISO systems by static measurement feedback

Richard Pothin, Claude H. Moog, Xiao Hua Xia (2002)


This paper highlights the role of the rank of a differential one-form in the solution of such nonlinear control problems via measurement feedback as disturbance decoupling problem of multi-input single output (MISO) systems. For the later problem, some necessary conditions and sufficient conditions are given.

Disturbance observer-based second order sliding mode attitude tracking control for flexible spacecraft

Chutiphon Pukdeboon, Anuchit Jitpattanakul (2017)


This paper presents a composite controller that combines nonlinear disturbance observer and second order sliding mode controller for attitude tracking of flexible spacecraft. First, a new nonsingular sliding surface is introduced. Then, a second order sliding mode attitude controller is designed to achieve high-precision tracking performance. An extended state observer is also developed to estimate the total disturbance torque consisting of environmental disturbances, system uncertainties and flexible...

Dual-terminal event triggered control for cyber-physical systems under false data injection attacks

Zhiwen Wang, Xiangnan Xu, Hongtao Sun, Long Li (2020)


This paper deals with the problem of security-based dynamic output feedback control of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) with the dual-terminal event triggered mechanisms (DT-ETM) under false data injection (FDI) attacks. Considering the limited attack energy, FDI attacks taking place in transmission channels are modeled as extra bounded disturbances for the resulting closed-loop system, thus enabling H performance analysis with a suitable ϱ attenuation level. Then two buffers at the controller and...

Dynamic analysis of an impulsive differential equation with time-varying delays

Ying Li, Yuanfu Shao (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

An impulsive differential equation with time varying delay is proposed in this paper. By using some analysis techniques with combination of coincidence degree theory, sufficient conditions for the permanence, the existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solution are established. The results of this paper improve and generalize some previously known results.

Dynamic stabilization of systems via decoupling techniques

Farid Ammar-Khodja, Ahmed Bader, Assia Benabdallah (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We give sufficient conditions which allow the study of the exponential stability of systems closely related to the linear thermoelasticity systems by a decoupling technique. Our approach is based on the multipliers technique and our result generalizes (from the exponential stability point of view) the earlier one obtained by Henry et al.

Efficiency analysis of control algorithms in spatially distributed systems with chaotic behavior

Łukasz Korus (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents results of examination of control algorithms for the purpose of controlling chaos in spatially distributed systems like the coupled map lattice (CML). The mathematical definition of the CML, stability analysis as well as some basic results of numerical simulation exposing complex, spatiotemporal and chaotic behavior of the CML were already presented in another paper. The main purpose of this article is to compare the efficiency of controlling chaos by simple classical algorithms...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 802