Entropies, dimensions et représentation d'observations
The information-theoretical entropy is an effective measure of uncertainty connected with an information source. Its transfer from the classical probabilistic information theory models to the fuzzy set theoretical environment is desirable and significant attempts were realized in the existing literature. Nevertheless, there are some open topics for analysis in the suggested models of fuzzy entropy - the main of them regard the formal aspects of the fundamental concepts. Namely their rather additive...
We present a model in which, due to the quantum nature of the signals controlling the implementation time of successive unitary computational steps, physical irreversibility appears in the execution of a logically reversible computation.
We prove a quantitative dimension-free bound in the Shannon-Stam entropy inequality for the convolution of two log-concave distributions in dimension d in terms of the spectral gap of the density. The method relies on the analysis of the Fisher information production, which is the second derivative of the entropy along the (normalized) heat semigroup. We also discuss consequences of our result in the study of the isotropic constant of log-concave distributions (slicing problem).
We study the entropy of the set traced by an n-step simple symmetric random walk on ℤd. We show that for d≥3, the entropy is of order n. For d=2, the entropy is of order n/log2n. These values are essentially governed by the size of the boundary of the trace.
In the paper the entropy of – fuzzy numbers is studied. It is shown that for a given norm function, the computation of the entropy of – fuzzy numbers reduces to using a simple formula which depends only on the spreads and shape functions of incoming numbers. In detail the entropy of –sums and –products of – fuzzy numbers is investigated. It is shown that the resulting entropy can be computed only by means of the entropy of incoming fuzzy numbers or by means of their parameters without the...
We describe a conceptual approach which provides a unified view of various entropy-like functionals on the class of semimetric spaces, endowed with a bounded measure. The entropy considered in the author’s previous articles is modified so as to assume finite values for a fairly wide class of spaces which fail to be totally bounded.
In 1994, the well-known Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol was for the first time implemented in a non-group based setting. Here, the underlying key space was the set of reduced principal ideals of a real quadratic number field. This set does not possess a group structure, but instead exhibits a so-called infrastructure. More recently, the scheme was extended to real quadratic congruence function fields, whose set of reduced principal ideals has a similar infrastructure. As always, the security...