Displaying 181 – 200 of 271

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Regular trace formula and base change for G L ( n )

Yuval Z. Flicker (1990)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The “regular”trace formula, for a test function with a local component which is Iwahori-biinvariant and sufficiently regular with respect to the other components, is developed in the context of a reductive group. It is used to give a simple proof of the theory of base-change for cuspidal automorphic representations of G L ( n ) which have a supercuspidal component. A purely local proof is given to transfer orbital integrals of sufficiently many spherical functions, by relating them to regular Iwahori functions....

Représentations localement analytiques de GL 3 ( p )

Benjamin Schraen (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Nous construisons un complexe de représentations localement analytiques de GL 3 ( p ) , associé à certaines représentations semi-stables de dimension 3 du groupe de Galois absolu de p . Nous montrons ensuite que l’on peut retrouver le ( ϕ , N ) -module filtré de la représentation galoisienne en considérant les morphismes, dans la catégorie dérivée des D ( GL 3 ( p ) ) -modules, de ce complexe dans le complexe de de Rham de l’espace de Drinfel’d de dimension 2 . La preuve requiert le calcul de certains espaces de cohomologie localement...

Shimura varieties with Γ 1 ( p ) -level via Hecke algebra isomorphisms: the Drinfeld case

Thomas J. Haines, Michael Rapoport (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We study the local factor at  p of the semi-simple zeta function of a Shimura variety of Drinfeld type for a level structure given at  p by the pro-unipotent radical of an Iwahori subgroup. Our method is an adaptation to this case of the Langlands-Kottwitz counting method. We explicitly determine the corresponding test functions in suitable Hecke algebras, and show their centrality by determining their images under the Hecke algebra isomorphisms of Goldstein, Morris, and Roche.

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 271