Displaying 241 – 260 of 288

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The integer transfinite diameter of intervals and totally real algebraic integers

V. Flammang, G. Rhin, C. J. Smyth (1997)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

In this paper we build on some recent work of Amoroso, and Borwein and Erdélyi to derive upper and lower estimates for the integer transfinite diameter of small intervals [ r s , r s + δ ] , where r s is a fixed rational and δ 0 . We also study functions g - , g , g + associated with transfinite diameters of Farey intervals. Then we consider certain polynomials, which we call critical polynomials, associated to a given interval I . We show how to estimate from below the proportion of roots of an integer polynomial which is sufficiently...

The Lehmer constants of an annulus

Artūras Dubickas, Chris J. Smyth (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let M ( α ) be the Mahler measure of an algebraic number α , and V be an open subset of . Then its Lehmer constant L ( V ) is inf M ( α ) 1 / deg ( α ) , the infimum being over all non-zero non-cyclotomic α lying with its conjugates outside V . We evaluate L ( V ) when V is any annulus centered at 0 . We do the same for a variant of L ( V ) , which we call the transfinite Lehmer constant L ( V ) .Also, we prove the converse to Langevin’s Theorem, which states that L ( V ) > 1 if V contains a point of modulus 1 . We prove the corresponding result for L ( V ) .

The mean values of logarithms of algebraic integers

Artūras Dubickas (1998)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let α be an algebraic integer of degree d with conjugates α 1 = α , α 2 , , α d . In the paper we give a lower bound for the mean value M p ( α ) = 1 d i = 1 d | log | α i | | p p when α is not a root of unity and p > 1 .

The size function h 0 for quadratic number fields

Paolo Francini (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We study the quadratic case of a conjecture made by Van der Geer and Schoof about the behaviour of certain functions which are defined over the group of Arakelov divisors of a number field. These functions correspond to the standard function h 0 for divisors of algebraic curves and we prove that they reach their maximum value for principal Arakelov divisors and nowhere else. Moreover, we consider a function k 0 ˜ , which is an analogue of exp h 0 defined on the class group, and we show it also assumes its...

The unit group of some fields of the form ( 2 , p , q , - l )

Moha Ben Taleb El Hamam (2024)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let p and q be two different prime integers such that p q 3 ( mod 8 ) with ( p / q ) = 1 , and l a positive odd square-free integer relatively prime to p and q . In this paper we investigate the unit groups of number fields 𝕃 = ( 2 , p , q , - l ) .

Totally indefinite Euclidean quaternion fields

Jean-Paul Cerri, Jérôme Chaubert, Pierre Lezowski (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We study the Euclidean property for totally indefinite quaternion fields. In particular, we establish a complete list of norm-Euclidean such fields over imaginary quadratic number fields. This enables us to exhibit an example which gives a negative answer to a question asked by Eichler. The proofs are both theoretical and algorithmic.

Totally positive algebraic integers of small trace

Chistopher J. Smyth (1984)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let α be a totally positive algebraic integer, with the difference between its trace and its degree at most 6. We describe an algorithm for finding all such α , and display the resulting list of 1314 values of α which the algorithm produces.

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 288