Displaying 21 – 40 of 245

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BGG resolutions via configuration spaces

Michael Falk, Vadim Schechtman, Alexander Varchenko (2014)

Journal de l’École polytechnique — Mathématiques

We study the blow-ups of configuration spaces. These spaces have a structure of what we call an Orlik–Solomon manifold; it allows us to compute the intersection cohomology of certain flat connections with logarithmic singularities using some Aomoto type complexes of logarithmic forms. Using this construction we realize geometrically the 𝔰𝔩 2 Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand resolution as an Aomoto complex.

Calcolo della funzione di partizione di Kostant

Stefano Capparelli (2003)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Forniamo un calcolo esplicito della funzione di partizione di Kostant per algebre di Lie complesse di rango 2 . La tecnica principale consiste nella riduzione a casi più semplici ed all'uso di funzioni generatrici.

Canonical bases for 𝔰𝔩 ( 2 , ) -modules of spherical monogenics in dimension 3

Roman Lávička (2010)

Archivum Mathematicum

Spaces of homogeneous spherical monogenics in dimension 3 can be considered naturally as 𝔰𝔩 ( 2 , ) -modules. As finite-dimensional irreducible 𝔰𝔩 ( 2 , ) -modules, they have canonical bases which are, by construction, orthogonal. In this note, we show that these orthogonal bases form the Appell system and coincide with those constructed recently by S. Bock and K. Gürlebeck in [3]. Moreover, we obtain simple expressions of elements of these bases in terms of the Legendre polynomials.

Category 𝒪 for quantum groups

Henning Haahr Andersen, Volodymyr Mazorchuk (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this paper we study the BGG-categories 𝒪 q associated to quantum groups. We prove that many properties of the ordinary BGG-category 𝒪 for a semisimple complex Lie algebra carry over to the quantum case. Of particular interest is the case when q is a complex root of unity. Here we prove a tensor decomposition for both simple modules, projective modules, and indecomposable tilting modules. Using the known Kazhdan-Lusztig conjectures for 𝒪 and for finite dimensional U q -modules we are able to determine...

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 245