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Asymptotic and numerical modelling of flows in fractured porous media

Philippe Angot, Franck Boyer, Florence Hubert (2009)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

This study concerns some asymptotic models used to compute the flow outside and inside fractures in a bidimensional porous medium. The flow is governed by the Darcy law both in the fractures and in the porous matrix with large discontinuities in the permeability tensor. These fractures are supposed to have a small thickness with respect to the macroscopic length scale, so that we can asymptotically reduce them to immersed polygonal fault interfaces and the model finally consists in a coupling between...

Asymptotic properties of ground states of scalar field equations with a vanishing parameter

Vitaly Moroz, Cyrill B. Muratov (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the leading order behaviour of positive solutions of the equation - Δ u + ϵ u - | u | p - 2 u + | u | q - 2 u = 0 , x N , where N 3 , q > p > 2 and when ϵ > 0 is a small parameter. We give a complete characterization of all possible asymptotic regimes as a function of p , q and N . The behavior of solutions depends sensitively on whether p is less, equal or bigger than the critical Sobolev exponent 2 * = 2 N N - 2 . For p < 2 * the solution asymptotically coincides with the solution of the equation in which the last term is absent. For p > 2 * the solution asymptotically coincides...

Aubry sets and the differentiability of the minimal average action in codimension one

Ugo Bessi (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

Let (x,u,∇u) be a Lagrangian periodic of period 1 in x1,...,xn,u. We shall study the non self intersecting functions u: Rn R minimizing ; non self intersecting means that, if u(x0 + k) + j = u(x0) for some x0∈Rn and (k , j) ∈Zn × Z, then u(x) = u(x + k) + j x. Moser has shown that each of these functions is at finite distance from a plane u = ρ · x and thus has an average slope ρ; moreover, Senn has proven that it is possible to define the average action of u, which is usually called β ( ρ ) since...

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