Displaying 101 – 120 of 1370

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A singular equation with positive and free boundary solutions.

Juan Dávila, Marcelo Montenegro (2003)


Para 0 < β < 1 consideramos la ecuación -Δu = χ{u > 0} (-u-β + λf(x, u)) en Ω­ con condición de borde tipo Dirichlet. Esta ecuación posee una solución maximal uλ ≥ 0 para todo λ > 0. Si λ es menor que una cierta constante λ*, uλ se anula en el interior del dominio creando una frontera libre, y para λ > λ* esta solución es positiva en Ω­ y estable. Establecemos la regularidad de uλ incluso en presencia de una frontera libre. Para λ ≥ λ* la solución del problema...

A strongly degenerate quasilinear equation : the elliptic case

Fuensanta Andreu, Vicent Caselles, José Mazón (2004)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

We prove existence and uniqueness of entropy solutions for the Neumann problem for the quasilinear elliptic equation u - div 𝐚 ( u , D u ) = v , where v L 1 , 𝐚 ( z , ξ ) = ξ f ( z , ξ ) , and f is a convex function of ξ with linear growth as ξ , satisfying other additional assumptions. In particular, this class includes the case where f ( z , ξ ) = ϕ ( z ) ψ ( ξ ) , ϕ > 0 , ψ being a convex function with linear growth as ξ . In the second part of this work, using Crandall-Ligget’s iteration scheme, this result will permit us to prove existence and uniqueness of entropy solutions for the...

A strongly nonlinear problem arising in glaciology

Jacques Colinge, Jacques Rappaz (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

The computation of glacier movements leads to a system of nonlinear partial differential equations. The existence and uniqueness of a weak solution is established by using the calculus of variations. A discretization by the finite element method is done. The solution of the discrete problem is proved to be convergent to the exact solution. A first simple numerical algorithm is proposed and its convergence numerically studied.

A symmetrization result for nonlinear elliptic equations.

Vincenzo Ferone, Basilio Messano (2004)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We consider a solution u of the homogeneous Dirichlet problem for a class of nonlinear elliptic equations in the form A(u) = g(x,u) + f, where the principal term is a Leray-Lions operator defined on W01,p (Ω). The function g(x,u) satisfies suitable growth assumptions, but no sign hypothesis on it is assumed. We prove that the rearrangement of u can be estimated by the solution of a problem whose data are radially symmetric.

A weighted symmetrization for nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations in inhomogeneous media

Guillermo Reyes, Juan Luis Vázquez (2006)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In the theory of elliptic equations, the technique of Schwarz symmetrization is one of the tools used to obtain a priori bounds for classical and weak solutions in terms of general information on the data. A basic result says that, in the absence of lower-order terms, the symmetric rearrangement of the solution u of an elliptic equation, that we write u * , can be compared pointwise with the solution of the symmetrized problem. The main question we address here is the modification of the method to...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 1370