Displaying 201 – 220 of 364

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On a semilinear variational problem

Bernd Schmidt (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We provide a detailed analysis of the minimizers of the functional u n | u | 2 + D n | u | γ , γ ( 0 , 2 ) , subject to the constraint u L 2 = 1 . This problem, e.g., describes the long-time behavior of the parabolic Anderson in probability theory or ground state solutions of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation. While existence can be proved with standard methods, we show that the usual uniqueness results obtained with PDE-methods can be considerably simplified by additional variational arguments. In addition, we investigate qualitative properties...

On annealed elliptic Green's function estimates

Daniel Marahrens, Felix Otto (2015)

Mathematica Bohemica

We consider a random, uniformly elliptic coefficient field a on the lattice d . The distribution · of the coefficient field is assumed to be stationary. Delmotte and Deuschel showed that the gradient and second mixed derivative of the parabolic Green’s function G ( t , x , y ) satisfy optimal annealed estimates which are L 2 and L 1 , respectively, in probability, i.e., they obtained bounds on | x G ( t , x , y ) | 2 1 / 2 and | x y G ( t , x , y ) | . In particular, the elliptic Green’s function G ( x , y ) satisfies optimal annealed bounds. In their recent work, the authors...

On Schrödinger maps from T 1 to  S 2

Robert L. Jerrard, Didier Smets (2012)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

We prove an estimate for the difference of two solutions of the Schrödinger map equation for maps from T 1 to  S 2 . This estimate yields some continuity properties of the flow map for the topology of  L 2 ( T 1 , S 2 ) , provided one takes its quotient by the continuous group action of  T 1 given by translations. We also prove that without taking this quotient, for any t > 0 the flow map at time t is discontinuous as a map from 𝒞 ( T 1 , S 2 ) , equipped with the weak topology of  H 1 / 2 , to the space of distributions ( 𝒞 ( T 1 , 3 ) ) * . The argument relies in an essential...

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 364