Displaying 141 – 160 of 686

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On infinite horizon active fault diagnosis for a class of non-linear non-Gaussian systems

Ivo Punčochář, Miroslav Šimandl (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper considers the problem of active fault diagnosis for discrete-time stochastic systems over an infinite time horizon. It is assumed that the switching between a fault-free and finitely many faulty conditions can be modelled by a finite-state Markov chain and the continuous dynamics of the observed system can be described for the fault-free and each faulty condition by non-linear non-Gaussian models with a fully observed continuous state. The design of an optimal active fault detector that...

On integral representation, relaxation and homogenization for unbounded functionals

Luciano Carbone, Riccardo De Arcangelis (1997)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

A theory of integral representation, relaxation and homogenization for some types of variational functionals taking extended real values and possibly being not finite also on large classes of regular functions is presented. Some applications to gradient constrained relaxation and homogenization problems are given.

On irrotational flows through cascades of profiles in a layer of variable thickness

Miloslav Feistauer (1984)

Aplikace matematiky

The paper is devoted to the study of solvability of boundary value problems for the stream function, describing non-viscous, irrotional, subsonic flowes through cascades of profiles in a layer of variable thickness. From the definition of a classical solution the variational formulation is derive and the concept of a weak solution is introduced. The proof of the existence and uniqueness of the weak solution is based on the monotone operator theory.

On local convexity of nonlinear mappings between Banach spaces

Iryna Banakh, Taras Banakh, Anatolij Plichko, Anatoliy Prykarpatsky (2012)

Open Mathematics

We find conditions for a smooth nonlinear map f: U → V between open subsets of Hilbert or Banach spaces to be locally convex in the sense that for some c and each positive ɛ < c the image f(B ɛ(x)) of each ɛ-ball B ɛ(x) ⊂ U is convex. We give a lower bound on c via the second order Lipschitz constant Lip2(f), the Lipschitz-open constant Lipo(f) of f, and the 2-convexity number conv2(X) of the Banach space X.

On localizing global Pareto solutions in a given convex set

Agnieszka Drwalewska, Lesław Gajek (1999)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Sufficient conditions are given for the global Pareto solution of the multicriterial optimization problem to be in a given convex subset of the domain. In the case of maximizing real valued-functions, the conditions are sufficient and necessary without any convexity type assumptions imposed on the function. In the case of linearly scalarized vector-valued functions the conditions are sufficient and necessary provided that both the function is concave and the scalarization is increasing with respect...

On lower semicontinuity in the calculus of variations

Giovanni Leoni (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

Vengono studiate proprietà di semicontinuità per integrali multipli u W k , 1 Ω ; R d Ω f x , u x , k u x d x quando f soddisfa a condizioni di semicontinuità nelle variabili x , u , , k - 1 u x e può non essere soggetta a ipotesi di coercitività, e le successioni ammissibili in W k , 1 Ω ; R d convergono fortemente in W k - 1 , 1 Ω ; R d .

On lower semicontinuity of multiple integrals

Agnieszka Kałamajska (1997)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We give a new short proof of the Morrey-Acerbi-Fusco-Marcellini Theorem on lower semicontinuity of the variational functional Ω F ( x , u , u ) d x . The proofs are based on arguments from the theory of Young measures.

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 686