Displaying 81 – 100 of 3470

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A kinetic equation for granular media

Dario Benedetto, Emanuele Caglioti, Mario Pulvirenti (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this short note we correct a conceptual error in the heuristic derivation of a kinetic equation used for the description of a one-dimensional granular medium in the so called quasi-elastic limit, presented by the same authors in reference[1]. The equation we derived is however correct so that, the rigorous analysis on this equation, which constituted the main purpose of that paper, remains unchanged.

A Lagrangian approach for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations

Raphaël Danchin (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Here we investigate the Cauchy problem for the barotropic Navier-Stokes equations in n , in the critical Besov spaces setting. We improve recent results as regards the uniqueness condition: initial velocities in critical Besov spaces with (not too) negative indices generate a unique local solution. Apart from (critical) regularity, the initial density just has to be bounded away from 0 and to tend to some positive constant at infinity. Density-dependent viscosity coefficients may be considered. Using...

A Langevin Description for Driven Granular Gases

P. Maynar, M. I. García de Soria (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

The study of the fluctuations in the steady state of a heated granular system is reviewed. A Boltzmann-Langevin description can be built requiring consistency with the equations for the one- and two-particle correlation functions. From the Boltzmann-Langevin equation, Langevin equations for the total energy and the transverse velocity field are derived. The existence of a fluctuation-dissipation relation for the transverse velocity field is also...

A lower bound for the principal eigenvalue of the Stokes operator in a random domain

V. V. Yurinsky (2008)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This article is dedicated to localization of the principal eigenvalue (PE) of the Stokes operator acting on solenoidal vector fields that vanish outside a large random domain modeling the pore space in a cubic block of porous material with disordered micro-structure. Its main result is an asymptotically deterministic lower bound for the PE of the sum of a low compressibility approximation to the Stokes operator and a small scaled random potential term, which is applied to produce a similar bound...

A mixed finite element method for Darcy flow in fractured porous media with non-matching grids

Carlo D’Angelo, Anna Scotti (2012)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider an incompressible flow problem in a N-dimensional fractured porous domain (Darcy’s problem). The fracture is represented by a (N − 1)-dimensional interface, exchanging fluid with the surrounding media. In this paper we consider the lowest-order (ℝ T0, ℙ0) Raviart-Thomas mixed finite element method for the approximation of the coupled Darcy’s flows in the porous media and within the fracture, with independent meshes for the respective domains. This is achieved thanks to an enrichment...

A mixed finite element method for Darcy flow in fractured porous media with non-matching grids∗

Carlo D’Angelo, Anna Scotti (2011)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

We consider an incompressible flow problem in a N-dimensional fractured porous domain (Darcy’s problem). The fracture is represented by a (N − 1)-dimensional interface, exchanging fluid with the surrounding media. In this paper we consider the lowest-order (ℝ T0, ℙ0) Raviart-Thomas mixed finite element method for the approximation of the coupled Darcy’s flows in the porous media and within the fracture, with independent meshes for the respective...

A mixed formulation of a sharp interface model of stokes flow with moving contact lines

Shawn W. Walker (2014)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Two-phase fluid flows on substrates (i.e. wetting phenomena) are important in many industrial processes, such as micro-fluidics and coating flows. These flows include additional physical effects that occur near moving (three-phase) contact lines. We present a new 2-D variational (saddle-point) formulation of a Stokesian fluid with surface tension that interacts with a rigid substrate. The model is derived by an Onsager type principle using shape differential calculus (at the sharp-interface, front-tracking...

A modal synthesis method for the elastoacoustic vibration problem

Alfredo Bermúdez, Luis Hervella-Nieto, Rodolfo Rodríguez (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

A modal synthesis method to solve the elastoacoustic vibration problem is analyzed. A two-dimensional coupled fluid-solid system is considered; the solid is described by displacement variables, whereas displacement potential is used for the fluid. A particular modal synthesis leading to a symmetric eigenvalue problem is introduced. Finite element discretizations with lagrangian elements are considered for solving the uncoupled problems. Convergence for eigenvalues and eigenfunctions is proved, error...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 3470