Displaying 141 – 160 of 194

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Distributed event-triggered algorithm for optimal resource allocation of multi-agent systems

Weiyong Yu, Zhenhua Deng, Hongbing Zhou, Xianlin Zeng (2017)


This paper is concerned with solving the distributed resource allocation optimization problem by multi-agent systems over undirected graphs. The optimization objective function is a sum of local cost functions associated to individual agents, and the optimization variable satisfies a global network resource constraint. The local cost function and the network resource are the private data for each agent, which are not shared with others. A novel gradient-based continuous-time algorithm is proposed...

Distributed event-triggered tracking control of leader-follower multi-agent systems with communication delays

Jiangping Hu, Guanrong Chen, Han-Xiong Li (2011)


As embedded microprocessors are applied widerly to multi-agent systems, control scheduling and time-delay problems arose in the case of limited energy and computational ability. It has been shown that the event-triggered actuation strategy is an effective methodology for designing distributed control of multi-agent systems with limited computational resources. In this paper, a tracking control problem of leader-follower multi-agent systems with/without communication delays is formulated and a distributed...

Distributed filtering of networked dynamic systems with non-gaussian noises over sensor networks: A survey

Derui Ding, Qing-Long Han, Xiaohua Ge (2020)


Sensor networks are regarded as a promising technology in the field of information perception and processing owing to the ease of deployment, cost-effectiveness, flexibility, as well as reliability. The information exchange among sensors inevitably suffers from various network-induced phenomena caused by the limited resource utilization and complex application scenarios, and thus is required to be governed by suitable resource-saving communication mechanisms. It is also noteworthy that noises in...

Distributed H estimation for moving target under switching multi-agent network

Hu Chen, Qin Weiwei, He Bing, Liu Gang (2015)


In this paper, the distributed H estimation problem is investigated for a moving target with local communication and switching topology. Based on the solution of the algebraic Riccati equation, a recursive algorithm is proposed using constant gain. The stability of the proposed algorithm is analysed by using the Lyapounov method, and a lower bound for estimation errors is obtained for the proposed common H filter. Moreover, a bound for the H parameter is obtained by means of the solution of the...

Distributed output regulation for linear multi-agent systems with unknown leaders

Xinghu Wang, Haibo Ji, Chuanrui Wang (2013)


In this paper, the distributed output regulation problem of linear multi-agent systems with parametric-uncertain leaders is considered. The existing distributed output regulation results with exactly known leader systems is not applicable. To solve the leader-following with unknown parameters in the leader dynamics, a distributed control law based on an adaptive internal model is proposed and the convergence can be proved.

Distributed resilient filtering of large-scale systems with channel scheduling

Lili Xu, Sunjie Zhang, Licheng Wang (2020)


This paper addresses the distributed resilient filtering for discrete-time large-scale systems (LSSs) with energy constraints, where their information are collected by sensor networks with a same topology structure. As a typical model of information physics systems, LSSs have an inherent merit of modeling wide area power systems, automation processes and so forth. In this paper, two kinds of channels are employed to implement the information transmission in order to extend the service time of sensor...

Distributed scheduling of sensor networks for identification of spatio-temporal processes

Maciej Patan (2012)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

An approach to determine a scheduling policy for a sensor network monitoring some spatial domain in order to identify unknown parameters of a distributed system is discussed. Given a finite number of possible sites at which sensors are located, the activation schedule for scanning sensors is provided so as to maximize a criterion defined on the Fisher information matrix associated with the estimated parameters. The related combinatorial problem is relaxed through operating on the density of sensors...

Disturbance decoupling of nonlinear MISO systems by static measurement feedback

Richard Pothin, Claude H. Moog, Xiao Hua Xia (2002)


This paper highlights the role of the rank of a differential one-form in the solution of such nonlinear control problems via measurement feedback as disturbance decoupling problem of multi-input single output (MISO) systems. For the later problem, some necessary conditions and sufficient conditions are given.

Disturbance observer based integral terminal sliding mode control for permanent magnet synchronous motor system

Junxiao Wang, Fengxiang Wang, Xianbo Wang, Li Yu (2019)


This paper presents speed regulation issue of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor (PMSM) using a composite integral terminal sliding mode control scheme via a disturbance compensation technique. The PMSM q -axis and d -axis subsystems are firstly transformed into two linear subsystems by using feedback linearization technique, then, integral terminal sliding mode controller and finite-time controller are designed respectively. The proof of finite time stability are given for the PMSM closed-loop system....

Disturbance observer-based second order sliding mode attitude tracking control for flexible spacecraft

Chutiphon Pukdeboon, Anuchit Jitpattanakul (2017)


This paper presents a composite controller that combines nonlinear disturbance observer and second order sliding mode controller for attitude tracking of flexible spacecraft. First, a new nonsingular sliding surface is introduced. Then, a second order sliding mode attitude controller is designed to achieve high-precision tracking performance. An extended state observer is also developed to estimate the total disturbance torque consisting of environmental disturbances, system uncertainties and flexible...

Domaine de victoire et stratégies viables chez les pêcheurs décrits par l'anthropologue Fredrik Barth

Noël Bonneuil, Patrick Saint-Pierre (1998)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

L'anthropologue Fredrik Barth a analysé l'émergence des formes sociales chez les pêcheurs norvégiens. Sa perspective est bien modélisée par les outils mathématiques de la théorie de la viabilité, grâce auxquels on peut calculer l'ensemble des états à partir desquels la survie du système est encore possible, ainsi que la bonne décision à prendre à chaque instant, entre explorer ou suivre les autres bateaux. En outre, il se trouve que, techniquement, la condition de compacité des images de la correspondance...

Double fault distinguishability in linear systems

Jan Maciej Kościelny, Zofia M. Łabęda-Grudziak (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper develops a new approach to double fault isolation in linear systems with the aid of directional residuals. The method of residual generation for computational as well as internal forms is applied. Isolation of double faults is based on the investigation of the coplanarity of the residual vector with the planes defined by the individual pairs of directional fault vectors. Additionally, the method of designing secondary residuals, which are structured and directional, is proposed. These...

Double-stepped adaptive control for hybrid systems with unknown Markov jumps and stochastic noises

Shuping Tan, Ji-Feng Zhang (2009)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper is concerned with the sampled-data based adaptive linear quadratic (LQ) control of hybrid systems with both unmeasurable Markov jump processes and stochastic noises. By the least matching error estimation algorithm, parameter estimates are presented. By a double-step (DS) sampling approach and the certainty equivalence principle, a sampled-data based adaptive LQ control is designed. The DS-approach is characterized by a comparatively large estimation step for parameter estimation and...

Double-stepped adaptive control for hybrid systems with unknown Markov jumps and stochastic noises

Shuping Tan, Ji-Feng Zhang (2008)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper is concerned with the sampled-data based adaptive linear quadratic (LQ) control of hybrid systems with both unmeasurable Markov jump processes and stochastic noises. By the least matching error estimation algorithm, parameter estimates are presented. By a double-step (DS) sampling approach and the certainty equivalence principle, a sampled-data based adaptive LQ control is designed. The DS-approach is characterized by a comparatively large estimation step for parameter estimation and...

Doubly reflected BSDEs with call protection and their approximation

Jean-François Chassagneux, Stéphane Crépey (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

We study the numerical approximation of doubly reflected backward stochastic differential equations with intermittent upper barrier (RIBSDEs). These denote reflected BSDEs in which the upper barrier is only active on certain random time intervals. From the point of view of financial interpretation, RIBSDEs arise as pricing equations of game options with constrained callability. In a Markovian set-up we prove a convergence rate for a time-discretization scheme by simulation to an RIBSDE. We also...

Currently displaying 141 – 160 of 194