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A characterization for residuated implications on the set of all the closed intervals in J[0,1]. Application to the L-fuzzy concept theory.

Cristina Alcalde, Ana Burusco, Ramón Fuentes-González (2005)

Mathware and Soft Computing

In this paper, a new characterization for the interval-valued residuated fuzzy implication operators is presented, with which it is possible to use them in a simple and efficient way, since the calculation of the values of an intervalvalued implication applicated to two intervals is reduced to the study of a fuzzy implication applicated to the extremes of these intervals. This result is very important in order to extract knowledge from an L-fuzzy context with incomplete information. Finally, some...

A characterization of uninorms on bounded lattices via closure and interior operators

Gül Deniz Çayli (2023)


Uninorms on bounded lattices have been recently a remarkable field of inquiry. In the present study, we introduce two novel construction approaches for uninorms on bounded lattices with a neutral element, where some necessary and sufficient conditions are required. These constructions exploit a t-norm and a closure operator, or a t-conorm and an interior operator on a bounded lattice. Some illustrative examples are also included to help comprehend the newly added classes of uninorms.

A contour view on uninorm properties

Koen C. Maes, Bernard De Baets (2006)


Any given increasing [ 0 , 1 ] 2 [ 0 , 1 ] function is completely determined by its contour lines. In this paper we show how each individual uninorm property can be translated into a property of contour lines. In particular, we describe commutativity in terms of orthosymmetry and we link associativity to the portation law and the exchange principle. Contrapositivity and rotation invariance are used to characterize uninorms that have a continuous contour line.

A fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy account of the Liar paradox.

Nikolai G. Nikolov (2002)

Mathware and Soft Computing

The Liar paradox, or the sentenceI am now saying is falseits various guises have been attracting the attention of logicians and linguists since ancient times. A commonly accepted treatment of the Liar paradox [7,8] is by means of Situation semantics, a powerful approach to natural language analysis. It is based on the machinery of non-well-founded sets developed in [1]. In this paper we show how to generalize these results including elements of fuzzy and intuitionistic fuzzy logic [3,4]. Basing...

A new approach to construct uninorms via uninorms on bounded lattices

Zhen-Yu Xiu, Xu Zheng (2024)


In this paper, on a bounded lattice L , we give a new approach to construct uninorms via a given uninorm U * on the subinterval [ 0 , a ] (or [ b , 1 ] ) of L under additional constraint conditions on L and U * . This approach makes our methods generalize some known construction methods for uninorms in the literature. Meanwhile, some illustrative examples for the construction of uninorms on bounded lattices are provided.

A note on paracomplete logic

Newton C. A. da Costa, Diego Marconi (1986)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

In questa nota gli Autori descrivono nuovi sistemi di logica (detta «paracompleta») connessi con la logica della vaghezza («fuzzy logic») e con le logiche paraconsistenti.

A principal topology obtained from uninorms

Funda Karaçal, Tuncay Köroğlu (2022)


We obtain a principal topology and some related results. We also give some hints of possible applications. Some mathematical systems are both lattice and topological space. We show that a topology defined on the any bounded lattice is definable in terms of uninorms. Also, we see that these topologies satisfy the condition of the principal topology. These topologies can not be metrizable except for the discrete metric case. We show an equivalence relation on the class of uninorms on a bounded lattice...

A theorem on implication functions defined from triangular norms.

Didier Dubois, Henri Prade (1984)


Several transformation which enable implication functions in multivalued logics to be generated from conjunctions have been proposed in the literature. It is proved that for a rather general class of conjunctions modeled by triangular norms, the generation process is closed, thus shedding some light on the relationships between seemingly independent classes of implication functions.

A theoretical comparison of disco and CADIAG-II-like systems for medical diagnoses

Tatiana Kiseliova (2006)


In this paper a fuzzy relation-based framework is shown to be suitable to describe not only knowledge-based medical systems, explicitly using fuzzy approaches, but other ways of knowledge representation and processing. A particular example, the practically tested medical expert system Disco, is investigated from this point of view. The system is described in the fuzzy relation-based framework and compared with CADIAG-II-like systems that are a “pattern” for computer-assisted diagnosis systems based...

A theory of refinement structure of hedge algebras and its applications to fuzzy logic

Nguyen Ho, Huynh Nam (1999)

Banach Center Publications

In [13], an algebraic approach to the natural structure of domains of linguistic variables was introduced. In this approach, every linguistic domain can be interpreted as an algebraic structure called a hedge algebra. In this paper, a refinement structure of hedge algebras based on free distributive lattices generated by linguistic hedge operations will be examined in order to model structure of linguistic domains more properly. In solving this question, we restrict our consideration to the specific...

A T-partial order obtained from T-norms

Funda Karaçal, M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu (2011)


A partial order on a bounded lattice L is called t-order if it is defined by means of the t-norm on L . It is obtained that for a t-norm on a bounded lattice L the relation a T b iff a = T ( x , b ) for some x L is a partial order. The goal of the paper is to determine some conditions such that the new partial order induces a bounded lattice on the subset of all idempotent elements of L and a complete lattice on the subset A of all elements of L which are the supremum of a subset of atoms.

About the equivalence of nullnorms on bounded lattice

M. Nesibe Kesicioğlu (2017)


In this paper, an equivalence on the class of nullnorms on a bounded lattice based on the equality of the orders induced by nullnorms is introduced. The set of all incomparable elements w.r.t. the order induced by nullnorms is investigated. Finally, the recently posed open problems have been solved.

Aggregation of fuzzy vector spaces

Carlos Bejines (2023)


This paper contributes to the ongoing investigation of aggregating algebraic structures, with a particular focus on the aggregation of fuzzy vector spaces. The article is structured into three distinct parts, each addressing a specific aspect of the aggregation process. The first part of the paper explores the self-aggregation of fuzzy vector subspaces. It delves into the intricacies of combining and consolidating fuzzy vector subspaces to obtain a coherent and comprehensive outcome. The second...

Aggregation operators from the ancient NC and EM point of view

Ana Pradera, Enric Trillas (2006)


This paper deals with the satisfaction of the well-known Non-Contradiction (NC) and Excluded-Middle (EM) principles within the framework of aggregation operators. Both principles are interpreted in a non-standard way, based on self-contradiction (as in Ancient Logic) instead of falsity (as in Modern Logic). The logical negation is represented by means of strong negation functions, and conditions are given both for those aggregation operators that satisfy NC/EM with respect to (w.r.t.) some given...

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