Independence number and degree bounded spanning tree.
A set S ⊆ V of vertices in a graph G = (V, E) is called a dominating set if every vertex in V-S is adjacent to a vertex in S. A dominating set which intersects every maximum independent set in G is called an independent transversal dominating set. The minimum cardinality of an independent transversal dominating set is called the independent transversal domination number of G and is denoted by . In this paper we begin an investigation of this parameter.
A subset of the vertex set of a graph is called dominating in , if each vertex of either is in , or is adjacent to a vertex of . If moreover the subgraph of induced by is regular of degree 1, then is called an induced-paired dominating set in . A partition of , each of whose classes is an induced-paired dominating set in , is called an induced-paired domatic partition of . The maximum number of classes of an induced-paired domatic partition of is the induced-paired domatic...
Let be an integer-valued function defined on the vertex set of a graph . A subset of is an -dominating set if each vertex outside is adjacent to at least vertices in . The minimum number of vertices in an -dominating set is defined to be the -domination number, denoted by . In a similar way one can define the connected and total -domination numbers and . If for all vertices , then these are the ordinary domination number, connected domination number and total domination...
We study the thresholds for the emergence of various properties in random subgraphs of (ℕ, <). In particular, we give sharp sufficient conditions for the existence of (finite or infinite) cliques and paths in a random subgraph. No specific assumption on the probability is made. The main tools are a topological version of Ramsey theory, exchangeability theory and elementary ergodic theory.
In this paper, we consider the intersection graph of gamma sets in the total graph on ℤₙ. We characterize the values of n for which is complete, bipartite, cycle, chordal and planar. Further, we prove that is an Eulerian, Hamiltonian and as well as a pancyclic graph. Also we obtain the value of the independent number, the clique number, the chromatic number, the connectivity and some domination parameters of .
In this paper we study the problem of interval incidence coloring of subcubic graphs. In [14] the authors proved that the interval incidence 4-coloring problem is polynomially solvable and the interval incidence 5-coloring problem is NP-complete, and they asked if Xii(G) ≤ 2Δ(G) holds for an arbitrary graph G. In this paper, we prove that an interval incidence 6-coloring always exists for any subcubic graph G with Δ(G) = 3.
Let D be a digraph. D is said to be an m-colored digraph if the arcs of D are colored with m colors. A path P in D is called monochromatic if all of its arcs are colored alike. Let D be an m-colored digraph. A set N ⊆ V(D) is said to be a kernel by monochromatic paths of D if it satisfies the following conditions: a) for every pair of different vertices u,v ∈ N there is no monochromatic directed path between them; and b) for every vertex x ∈ V(D)-N there is a vertex n ∈ N such that there is an xn-monochromatic...
For a digraph D, V (D) and A(D) will denote the sets of vertices and arcs of D respectively. In an arc-colored digraph, a subset K of V(D) is said to be kernel by monochromatic paths (mp-kernel) if (1) for any two different vertices x, y in N there is no monochromatic directed path between them (N is mp-independent) and (2) for each vertex u in V (D) N there exists v ∈ N such that there is a monochromatic directed path from u to v in D (N is mp-absorbent). If every arc in D has a different color,...
Let k be a positive integer and G = (V(G),E(G)) a graph. A subset S of V(G) is a k-independent set of G if the subgraph induced by the vertices of S has maximum degree at most k-1. The maximum cardinality of a k-independent set of G is the k-independence number βₖ(G). A graph G is called β¯ₖ-stable if βₖ(G-e) = βₖ(G) for every edge e of E(G). First we give a necessary and sufficient condition for β¯ₖ-stable graphs. Then we establish four equivalent conditions for β¯ₖ-stable trees.
Let D be a digraph. V(D) denotes the set of vertices of D; a set N ⊆ V(D) is said to be a k-kernel of D if it satisfies the following two conditions: for every pair of different vertices u,v ∈ N it holds that every directed path between them has length at least k and for every vertex x ∈ V(D)-N there is a vertex y ∈ N such that there is an xy-directed path of length at most k-1. In this paper, we consider some operations on digraphs and prove the existence of k-kernels in digraphs formed by these...
A contribution is made to the classification of lattice-like total perfect codes in integer lattices Λn via pairs (G, Φ) formed by abelian groups G and homomorphisms Φ: Zn → G. A conjecture is posed that the cited contribution covers all possible cases. A related conjecture on the unfinished work on open problems on lattice-like perfect dominating sets in Λn with induced components that are parallel paths of length > 1 is posed as well.
The looseness of a triangulation G on a closed surface F2, denoted by ξ (G), is defined as the minimum number k such that for any surjection c : V (G) → {1, 2, . . . , k + 3}, there is a face uvw of G with c(u), c(v) and c(w) all distinct. We shall bound ξ (G) for triangulations G on closed surfaces by the independence number of G denoted by α(G). In particular, for a triangulation G on the sphere, we have [...] and this bound is sharp. For a triangulation G on a non-spherical surface F2, we have...