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Diophantine equations with Euler polynomials

Dijana Kreso, Csaba Rakaczki (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We determine decomposition properties of Euler polynomials and using a strong result relating polynomial decomposition and diophantine equations in two separated variables, we characterize those g(x) ∈ ℚ [x] for which the diophantine equation - 1 k + 2 k - + ( - 1 ) x x k = g ( y ) with k ≥ 7 may have infinitely many integer solutions. Apart from the exceptional cases we list explicitly, the equation has only finitely many integer solutions.

Diophantine equations with linear recurrences An overview of some recent progress

Umberto Zannier (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We shall discuss some known problems concerning the arithmetic of linear recurrent sequences. After recalling briefly some longstanding questions and solutions concerning zeros, we shall focus on recent progress on the so-called “quotient problem” (resp. " d -th root problem"), which in short asks whether the integrality of the values of the quotient (resp. d -th root) of two (resp. one) linear recurrences implies that this quotient (resp. d -th root) is itself a recurrence. We shall also relate such...

Diophantine inequalities with power sums

Amedeo Scremin (2007)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

The ring of power sums is formed by complex functions on of the form α ( n ) = b 1 c 1 n + b 2 c 2 n + ... + b h c h n , for some b i ¯ and c i . Let F ( x , y ) ¯ [ x , y ] be absolutely irreducible, monic and of degree at least 2 in y . We consider Diophantine inequalities of the form | F ( α ( n ) , y ) | < | F y ( α ( n ) , y ) | · | α ( n ) | - ε and show that all the solutions ( n , y ) × have y parametrized by some power sums in a finite set. As a consequence, we prove that the equation F ( α ( n ) , y ) = f ( n ) , with f [ x ] not constant, F monic in y and α not constant, has only finitely many solutions.

Diophantine m -tuples and elliptic curves

Andrej Dujella (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

A Diophantine m -tuple is a set of m positive integers such that the product of any two of them is one less than a perfect square. In this paper we study some properties of elliptic curves of the form y 2 = ( a x + 1 ) ( b x + 1 ) ( c x + 1 ) , where { a , b , c } , is a Diophantine triple. In particular, we consider the elliptic curve E k defined by the equation y 2 = ( F 2 k x + 1 ) ( F 2 k + 2 x + 1 ) ( F 2 k + 4 x + 1 ) , where k 2 and F n , denotes the n -th Fibonacci number. We prove that if the rank of E k ( 𝐐 ) is equal to one, or k 50 , then all integer points on E k are given by ( x , y ) { ( 0 ± 1 ) , ( 4 F 2 k + 1 F 2 k + 2 F 2 k + 3 ± 2 F 2 k + 1 F 2 k + 2 - 1 × 2 F 2 k + 2 2 + 1 2 F 2 k + 2 F 2 k + 3 + 1 } .

Diophantine triples with values in binary recurrences

Clemens Fuchs, Florian Luca, Laszlo Szalay (2008)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

In this paper, we study triples a , b and c of distinct positive integers such that a b + 1 , a c + 1 and b c + 1 are all three members of the same binary recurrence sequence.

Distribution of Mordell-Weil ranks of families of elliptic curves

Bartosz Naskręcki (2016)

Banach Center Publications

We discuss the distribution of Mordell-Weil ranks of the family of elliptic curves y² = (x + αf²)(x + βbg²)(x + γh²) where f,g,h are coprime polynomials that parametrize the projective smooth conic a² + b² = c² and α,β,γ are elements from ℚ̅. In our previous papers we discussed certain special cases of this problem and in this article we complete the picture by proving the general results.

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