Arithmétique des rapports de similitudes symplectiques
Canonical number systems can be viewed as natural generalizations of radix representations of ordinary integers to algebraic integers. A slightly modified version of an algorithm of B. Kovács and A. Pethő is presented here for the determination of canonical number systems in orders of algebraic number fields. Using this algorithm canonical number systems of some quartic fields are computed.
It is a classical problem in algebraic number theory to decide if a number field is monogeneous, that is if it admits power integral bases. It is especially interesting to consider this question in an infinite parametric family of number fields. In this paper we consider the infinite parametric family of simplest quartic fields generated by a root of the polynomial , assuming that , and has no odd square factors. In addition to generators of power integral bases we also calculate the minimal...
Pour premier impair, l’étude du -groupe des classes d’idéaux des extensions abéliennes de degré premier à se ramène à celle de groupes notés , où parcourt un certain ensemble de caractères -adiques irréductibles.Il est démontré, dans cet article, une généralisation des congruences de Leopoldt et Fresnel entre les fonctions -adiques et les nombres de Bernoulli généralisés. Cette généralisation conduit à une amélioration de la connaissance des : en effet, la juxtaposition de ce résultat...
Let be the set of limit points of the fractional parts , , where is a Pisot number and . Using a description of , due to Dubickas, we show that there is a sequence of elements of such that , . Also, we prove that the...
A complex number α is said to satisfy the height reducing property if there is a finite subset, say F, of the ring ℤ of the rational integers such that ℤ[α] = F[α]. This property has been considered by several authors, especially in contexts related to self affine tilings and expansions of real numbers in non-integer bases. We prove that a number satisfying the height reducing property, is an algebraic number whose conjugates, over the field of the rationals, are all of modulus one, or all of modulus...