A polynomial solution to regulation and tracking. I. Deterministic problem
L’existence d’un polynôme , irréductible sur un corps de caractéristique et dont trois racines vérifient la relation linéaire , ne dépend que de la paire de groupes finis où et est le fixateur d’une racine. Le cas régulier () est désormais assez bien décrit. On démontre dans ce texte que pour de nombreuses paires primitives ( sous-groupe maximal de ) et en particulier pour toutes celles de degré , la relation n’est pas réalisable.En appendice, Joseph Oesterlé démontre que cette...
Let K be an ordered field and R its real closure. A semipolynomial will be defined as a function from Rn to R obtained by composition of polynomial functions and the absolute value. Every semipolynomial can be defined as a straight-line program containing only instructions with the following type: polynomial, absolute value, sup and inf and such a program will be called a semipolynomial expression. It will be proved, using the ordinary real positivstellensatz, a general real positivstellensatz concerning...
Classical Lüroth theorem states that every subfield K of K(t), where t is a transcendental element over K, such that K strictly contains K, must be K = K(h(t)), for some non constant element h(t) in K(t). Therefore, K is K-isomorphic to K(t). This result can be proved with elementary algebraic techniques, and therefore it is usually included in basic courses on field theory or algebraic curves. In this paper we study the validity of this result under weaker assumptions: namely, if K is a subfield...
Let be a prime number, the field of -adic numbers and the completion of the algebraic closure of . In this paper we obtain a representation theorem for rigid analytic functions on which are equivariant with respect to the Galois group , where is a lipschitzian element of and denotes the -neighborhood of the -orbit of .