Displaying 201 – 220 of 8838

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A Hilbert-Mumford criterion for SL₂-actions

Jürgen Hausen (2003)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let the special linear group G : = SL₂ act regularly on a ℚ-factorial variety X. Consider a maximal torus T ⊂ G and its normalizer N ⊂ G. We prove: If U ⊂ X is a maximal open N-invariant subset admitting a good quotient U → U ⃫N with a divisorial quotient space, then the intersection W(U) of all translates g · U is open in X and admits a good quotient W(U) → W(U) ⃫G with a divisorial quotient space. Conversely, we show that every maximal open G-invariant subset W ⊂ X admitting a good quotient W...

À la recherche de petites sommes d'exponentielles

Étienne Fouvry, Philippe Michel (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soit f ( x ) une fraction rationnelle à coefficients entiers, vérifiant des hypothèses assez générales. On prouve l’existence d’une infinité d’entiers n , ayant exactement deux facteurs premiers, tels que la somme d’exponentielles x = 1 n exp ( 2 π i f ( x ) / n ) soit en O ( n 1 2 - β f ) , où β f > 0 est une constante ne dépendant que de la géométrie de f . On donne aussi des résultats de répartition du type Sato-Tate, pour certaines sommes de Salié, modulo n , avec n entier comme ci- dessus.

A limit linear series moduli scheme

Brian Osserman (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We develop a new, more functorial construction for the basic theory of limit linear series, which provides a compactification of the Eisenbud-Harris theory. In an appendix, in order to obtain the necessary dimensional lower bounds on our limit linear series scheme we develop a theory of “linked Grassmannians”; these are schemes parametrizing sub-bundles of a sequence of vector bundles, which map into one another under fixed maps of the ambient bundles.

A linear extension operator for Whitney fields on closed o-minimal sets

Wiesław Pawłucki (2008)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A continuous linear extension operator, different from Whitney’s, for 𝒞 p -Whitney fields (p finite) on a closed o-minimal subset of n is constructed. The construction is based on special geometrical properties of o-minimal sets earlier studied by K. Kurdyka with the author.

A local-global principle for rational isogenies of prime degree

Andrew V. Sutherland (2012)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let K be a number field. We consider a local-global principle for elliptic curves E / K that admit (or do not admit) a rational isogeny of prime degree . For suitable K (including K = ), we prove that this principle holds for all 1 mod 4 , and for < 7 , but find a counterexample when = 7 for an elliptic curve with j -invariant 2268945 / 128 . For K = we show that, up to isomorphism, this is the only counterexample.

Currently displaying 201 – 220 of 8838