A Poncelet theorem in space.
The notion of age of elements of complex linear groups was introduced by M. Reid and is of importance in algebraic geometry, in particular in the study of crepant resolutions and of quotients of Calabi–Yau varieties. In this paper, we solve a problem raised by J. Kollár and M. Larsen on the structure of finite irreducible linear groups generated by elements of age . More generally, we bound the dimension of finite irreducible linear groups generated by elements of bounded deviation. As a consequence...
We generalize and give an elementary proof of Kelly’s refinement [9] of Shoemaker’s result [11] on the birationality of certain BHK-mirrors. Our approach uses a construction that is equivalent to the Krawitz generalization [10] of the duality in Berglund-Hübsch [2].
The Witten deformation is an analytic method proposed by Witten which, given a Morse function on a smooth compact manifold , allows to prove the Morse inequalities. The aim of this article is to generalise the Witten deformation to stratified Morse functions (in the sense of stratified Morse theory as developed by Goresky and MacPherson) on a singular complex algebraic curve. In a previous article the author developed the Witten deformation for the model of an algebraic curve with cone-like singularities...
The purpose of this article is to present a short model-theoretic proof of the valuation property for a polynomially bounded o-minimal theory T. The valuation property was conjectured by van den Dries, and proved for the polynomially bounded case by van den Dries-Speissegger and for the power bounded case by Tyne. Our proof uses the transfer principle for the theory (i.e. T with an extra unary symbol denoting a proper convex subring), which-together with quantifier elimination-is due to van den...
Soit la décomposition canonique de l’espace des arcs passant par une singularité normale de surface. Dans cet article, on propose deux nouvelles conditions qui si elles sont vérifiées permettent de montrer que n’est pas inclus dans . On applique ces conditions pour donner deux nouvelles preuves du problème de Nash pour les singularités sandwich minimales.
Le théorème de Belyi affirme que sur toute courbe algébrique lisse projective et géométriquement connexe, définie sur , il existe une fonction non ramifiée en dehors de . Nous montrons que cette fonction peut être choisie sans automorphismes, c’est-à-dire telle que pour tout automorphisme non trivial de , on ait . Nous en déduisons que si est une extension finie de , toute -classe d’isomorphisme de courbes algébriques lisses projectives géométriquement connexes peut être caractérisée...