Graph theoretic techniques in algebraic geometry II: construction of singular complex surfaces of the rational cohomology type of CP2.
If B is a surface in ℙ³ of degree 8 which is the union of two smooth surfaces intersecting transversally then the double covering of ℙ³ branched along B has a non-singular model which is a Calabi-Yau manifold. The aim of this note is to compute the Hodge numbers of this manifold.
We recall first Mather's Lemma providing effective necessary and sufficient conditions for a connected submanifold to be contained in an orbit. We show that two homogeneous polynomials having isomorphic Milnor algebras are right-equivalent.
Inspired by several works on jet schemes and motivic integration, we consider an extension to singular varieties of the classical definition of discrepancy for morphisms of smooth varieties. The resulting invariant, which we call , is closely related to the jet schemes and the Nash blow-up of the variety. This notion leads to a framework in which adjunction and inversion of adjunction hold in full generality, and several consequences are drawn from these properties. The main result of the paper...
On considère des germes d’applications analytiques de vers , de corang 1, finis, à lieu critique irréductible. De corang 1 signifie qu’il s’écrit après un bon choix de coordonnées locales sous la forme: où . On donne des conditions nécessaires et suffisantes pour qu’une courbe plane irréductible soit le lieu discriminant d’un tel germe d’applications : ce sont des conditions numériques portant sur les exposants de Puiseux. Ce problème est lié à celui de la représentation d’une variété lagrangienne...
According to R. Bondil the dual graph of the minimal resolution of a minimal normal surface singularity determines the generic discriminant of that singularity. In this article we give with combinatorial arguments the link between the limit trees and the generic discriminants of minimal normal surface singularities. The weighted limit trees of a minimal surface singularity determine the generic discriminant of that singularity.
Lines on hypersurfaces with isolated singularities are classified. New normal forms of simple singularities with respect to lines are obtained. Several invariants are introduced.