Displaying 101 – 120 of 249

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Localisation formelle et groupe de Picard

Jean Fresnel, Marius Van Der Put (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient X un espace analytique affinoïde réduit sur un corps K complet pour une valeur absolue non archimédienne, r : X X ^ sa réduction canonique et p X ^ un point de la variété algébrique affine X ^ . Ce travail décrit la singularité du point p à l’aide d’objets associés à l’espace X : la localisation formelle 𝒪 X , ( p ) qui est une K -algèbre noethérienne de spectre maximal r - 1 ( p ) et dont la réduction est 𝒪 X ^ , ( p )  ; un complété formel 𝒪 X , ( p ) qui est une K -algèbre noethérienne dont la réduction est 𝒪 X ^ , ( p ) . Les résultats essentiels sont obtenus...

Matrix factorizations and singularity categories for stacks

Alexander Polishchuk, Arkady Vaintrob (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study matrix factorizations of a potential W which is a section of a line bundle on an algebraic stack. We relate the corresponding derived category (the category of D-branes of type B in the Landau-Ginzburg model with potential W) with the singularity category of the zero locus of W generalizing a theorem of Orlov. We use this result to construct push-forward functors for matrix factorizations with relatively proper support.

Matrix factorizations for domestic triangle singularities

Dawid Edmund Kędzierski, Helmut Lenzing, Hagen Meltzer (2015)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Working over an algebraically closed field k of any characteristic, we determine the matrix factorizations for the-suitably graded-triangle singularities f = x a + y b + z c of domestic type, that is, we assume that (a,b,c) are integers at least two satisfying 1/a + 1/b + 1/c > 1. Using work by Kussin-Lenzing-Meltzer, this is achieved by determining projective covers in the Frobenius category of vector bundles on the weighted projective line of weight type (a,b,c). Equivalently, in a representation-theoretic context,...

Normal surface singularities admitting contracting automorphisms

Charles Favre, Matteo Ruggiero (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We show that a complex normal surface singularity admitting a contracting automorphism is necessarily quasihomogeneous. We also describe the geometry of a compact complex surface arising as the orbit space of such a contracting automorphism.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 249