On affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras
We develop an algebraic version of Cartan’s method of equivalence or an analog of Tanaka prolongation for the (extrinsic) geometry of curves of flags of a vector space W with respect to the action of a subgroup G of GL(W). Under some natural assumptions on the subgroup G and on the flags, one can pass from the filtered objects to the corresponding graded objects and describe the construction of canonical bundles of moving frames for these curves in the language of pure linear algebra. The scope...
The category of group-graded modules over an abelian group is a monoidal category. For any bicharacter of this category becomes a braided monoidal category. We define the notion of a Lie algebra in this category generalizing the concepts of Lie super and Lie color algebras. Our Lie algebras have -ary multiplications between various graded components. They possess universal enveloping algebras that are Hopf algebras in the given category. Their biproducts with the group ring are noncommutative...
We prove that a differential graded Lie algebra is homotopy abelian if its adjoint map into its cochain complex of derivations is trivial in cohomology. The converse is true for cofibrant algebras and false in general.
In this paper, complex 3-dimensional Γ-graded ε-skew-symmetric and complex 3-dimensional Γ-graded ε-Lie algebras with either 1-dimensional or zero homogeneous components are classified up to isomorphism.
The problem of the characterization of graded Lie algebras which admit a realization as the homotopy Lie algebra of a space of type is discussed. The central results are formulated in terms of varieties of structure constants, several criterions for concrete algebras are also deduced.